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标题: 老曹推荐系列6:SEGA MD游戏 闪电回归,16位机的32位 [打印本页]

作者: dreamcasty    时间: 2009-1-6 14:29     标题: 老曹推荐系列6:SEGA MD游戏 闪电回归,16位机的32位

老曹推荐系列6:SEGA MD游戏 闪电回归,16位机的32位






Game Box Shots

EU 1993

US 11/07/93

JP 12/29/93

GameFAQs Reader Screenshots

EU 1995

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所有数据都是来自<GAMEFAQ.COM>,坤吉电玩 老曹转移。呵呵


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Planet Titan: Brave mutants, robots, anti-matter fields and the primitive inhabitants as you find your way through the jungle. New Washington: First recover your memory, then go undercover to earn money. Finally, buy a false ID if you want to sneak back on Earth. Death Tower: Climb the 8 floors of the Death Tower labyrinth. Avoid the deadly Replicants and win a free ticket to Earth. Earth: Big trouble! The authorities have discovered your false ID and send robot cops to capture you. Paradise Club: You discovered the aliens' plans, but somehow end up being captured and mysteriously transported through space. Planet Morphs: You materialized on their home planet. Now all you have to do is destroy the Morphs and live to tell about it!

FAQs, Guides, Cheats, and Secrets
If you're stuck and need help getting through the game, our FAQs and Guides page is sure to help. We have 2 complete FAQs for this game, and 3 total.
If you just want to cheat or find out how to unlock something, our Cheats and Codes page has everything you need. We have 7 cheats for this game.

Reviews and Ratings
Reader Review AverageGameFAQs Rating AverageGameRankings Average
From 6 reviews
From 21 users
From 2 reviews

下面是密码接关   个人认为就游戏难度来讲,很适中,而且有些技巧。后面的小兵都有些变态。但是乐趣无穷啊。。。。

Better weaponEnter the following at the password screen:

PasswordEffectWEAPONBetter gunContributed By: steamliner88

Easy PasswordsEnter the following code at the Pasword screen....

Level 1: PIXEL
Level 2: BETSY
Level 3: PANCHO
Level 4: STUDIO
Level 5: TOHO
Level 6: AKANE
Level 7: INCBIN

Then you should go to your desired level
Contributed By: Mike Truitt

Expert Level Ending Code PasswordAt the password screen put in CYGNUS.
Contributed By: Ben Zetlitz

Expert PasswordsEnter the following code at the Pasword screen....

Level 1: CLIO
Level 2: ACRTC
Level 3: BLOB
Level 4: STUN
Level 5: MIMOLO
Level 6: HECTOR
Level 7: KALIMA

Then you should go to your desired level
Contributed By: Mike Truitt

Normal PasswordsEnter the following code at the Pasword screen....

Level 1: FALCON
Level 2: DATA
Level 3: MILORD
Level 4: QUICKY
Level 5: BIJOU
Level 6: BUBBLE
Level 7: CLIP

Then you should go to your diesired level
Contributed By: Mike Truitt

View Game EndingEnter SANFRA as your code to view the ending of the game.
Contributed By: Biospark3

Walk through WallsWhen at any wall, turn away from it, hold A and the D-pad away from the wall, and then when Conrad runs, release A and press the D-pad towards the wall.
Contributed By: Ben Zetlitz

[ 本帖最后由 dreamcasty 于 2009-1-6 14:32 编辑 ]
作者: shoot    时间: 2009-1-6 21:03

作者: 腚眼冒热气    时间: 2009-1-7 04:54

原帖由 shoot 于 2009-1-6 21:03 发表

闪电回归很好玩  可惜我喜欢看人家打的录像  自己玩不灵    前作逃出这世界更诡异些     这俩游戏续作叫遁入黑暗   改成3d了    当年电软 的软体动物还做了专稿
作者: dreamcasty    时间: 2009-1-7 13:29

作者: naughtyben    时间: 2009-2-1 05:04

作者: gary1985    时间: 2009-3-12 09:24

作者: hahahaha天线宝    时间: 2009-3-13 19:55


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