Gears of War 2: Combustible Multiplayer Map Pack Content:Combustible Multiplayer Map Pack Price: 800 Microsoft Points Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions except Germany and Japan Dash Text: [ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD AND GORE,INTENSE VIOLENCE,STRONG LANGUAGE] Explosive action takes center stage in these three new Gears 2 multiplayer maps: Flood, Gold Rush, and Fuel Station. Flood features a rising flow of Imulsion that drives the fight into close quarters. Infiltrate an Imulsion factory in Gold Rush, where multiple levels and volatile materials guarantee memorable encounters. Fuel Station delivers a dangerous battle around an abandoned refueling facility. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see
Content: Combustible Map Pack Trailer (地图视频) Price: Free Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions except Germany and Japan Dash Text: [ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD AND GORE,INTENSE VIOLENCE,STRONG LANGUAGE] Explosive action takes center stage in the Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack. Discover the three new maps, Flood, Gold Rush, and Fuel Station, in this trailer narrated by Augustus Cole. 作者: west2046 时间: 2008-12-15 18:18