标题: FIFA 09 大量免费下载!(11月14日) [打印本页] 作者: west2046 时间: 2008-11-14 08:00 标题: FIFA 09 大量免费下载!(11月14日)
FIFA 09 Content: Brazil Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 405.29 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Brazil commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Brazil commentators Paulo Vinicius Coelho and Nivaldo Prieto. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Brazilian. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Spanish Commentary Price: Free AvailAvailability: Not available in Japan Size: 344.62 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Italian commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Italian commentators Giuseppe Bergomi and Fabio Caressa. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Italian. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Polish Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 547.67 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Polish commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Polish commentators Włodzimierz Szaranowicz and Dariusz Szpakowski. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Polish. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Czech Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 387.95 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Czech commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Czech commentators Bosák Jaromír and Petr Svěcený. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Czech. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Swedish Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 312.04 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Swedish commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Swedish commentators Glenn Hysén and Henrik Strömblad. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Swedish. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Russian Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 596.61 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Russian commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Russian commentators Yuri Rozanov and Vasily Solojov. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Russian. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Hungarian Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 744.25 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Italian commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Italian commentators Giuseppe Bergomi and Fabio Caressa. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Italian. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Portuguese Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 365.00 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Portuguese commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Portuguese commentators David Carvalho and Hélder Conduto. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Portuguese. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Dutch Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 425.26 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Dutch commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Dutch commentators Youri Mulder and Evert ten Napel. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Dutch. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Mexican Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 305.57 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Mexican commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Mexican commentators Perro Bermúdez and Ricardo Pelaez. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Mexican. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: German Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 639.37 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional German commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring German commentators Tom Bayer and Sebastian Hellman. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > German. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: Italian Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 405.06 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional Italian commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring Italian commentators Giuseppe Bergomi and Fabio Caressa. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > Italian. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: French Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 567.11 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional French commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring French commentators Herve Mathoux and Franck Sauzée. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > French. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages.
Content: English Commentary Price: Free Availability: Not available in Japan Size: 486.98 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] This download enables you to add an additional English commentary pack for FIFA 09, featuring English commentators Andy Gray and Martin Tyler. Select the new commentary by selecting Advanced Settings > Audio > Commentary Language > English. PLEASE NOTE: Check your language options to ensure you don't already have the languages available. 作者: 还我用户名 时间: 2008-11-14 09:37