Seasonal & Limited Time Only Costumes - FREE 时间限定用服装免费
The “launch” SpaceSuitand Halloween mask is a perfect example of this. These types of itemswill be available for a short amount of time only so look for thesearound special events and holidays.
Community Costumes - FREE 爱好者设计挑战赛服装免费
Remember LittleBigChallenge 003?We’re finalizing the winners now, so stay tuned. These will beavailable for free and over time, you’ll see more and more of thesetypes of free downloads for LBP community.
SackBoy Costumes - $0.99 each
Continue to customize your SackBoy/SackGirl with brand new outfits thatwill be available in a variety of themes and designs. Here’s a sneakpeek of a few costumes in the works…
Premium SackBoy Costumes - $1.99 each
Its no secret, that we love the rest of the PlayStation family and wewant the SackPeople to be able to dress up as their favoritecharacters. Stay tunedfor more announcements with new costumes from our PlayStation familyand even some outside the family… Here’s a few of the ones we’vealready announced…
RARE SackBoy Costumes - $?.??
In time, we’re hoping to introduce very rare items that are both onlyavailable for a certain amount of time and extremely collectible. We’vepreviously announced the such an item, the “RARE Mm T-shirt”, but in North America, we’re waiting for the right time to introduce into the PS Store. Stay tuned…
Basic SackBoy Costume Bundle - $2.99 基本服装套装
At times, we’ll offer four basic costumes at a great price…to makethings easier for the ‘must collect everything I see’ personalities
Premium SackBoy Costume Bundle - $5.99 豪华服装套装
Similar to the Basic SackBoy Costume Bundle, this premium versionconsists of four premium costumes for the price of three. Allcharacters in premium bundles will revolve around a certain theme…moreinfo to come in the near future.