Main CPU : Power PC603e 100MHz
Sub CPU : Power PC604 100MHz & Power PC403GA 33MHz
Sound CPU : 68EC000 @16 MHz
Sound Chip : Ricoh RF5C400 PCM 32 Channel, 44.1 kHz Stereo Output, 3D Effect Spatializer
Video Boards : 3DFX Chips X 2 (1 for PixelFX and 1 for TexelFX)
3D Mathmatics Chip : Analog Devices "Sharc" Chip
Control Chip? : AMD Mach 111 Microcontroller N676A1
Video resoution : 640 x 400 Pixels + Mini LCD Screen Capability
Colours : 16 bit Color x 2
Raster System : 144 bits/pixel Frame Buffer including 16 bit Colorx 2, 8 bit Alpha, 32bit Depth (Floating Point Z-buffers), 12 bitStencil, 256 Level alpha Blending, Polygon & Wire FrameRasterization
Rendering : 1-5 Million Polygons/sec, 50-250 Million Pixels/sec,
Capabilitys : Anti-aliasing by Subpixel Sampling, Flat Shading,Gouraud Shading, Up to 8 Light Sources consisting of parallel light ,point light, & spot light, Linear Fog, Exponential Fog, ParticleEmulation, 6 Clip Planes, Mapping with Perspective Correction, MipmapSupport ,Bilinear & Trilinear Filtering, Real-time Texture LoadingSystem
Other : 100meg High Speed Network Communication