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标题: court rivals 也许是最好的篮球Webgame [打印本页]

作者: yemonster    时间: 2008-9-25 11:45     标题: court rivals 也许是最好的篮球Webgame

court rivals 有新意有深度的篮球游戏  讨论QQ群49352858

推荐链接 有爱心的同志点

很简单, 创建一个球员, 选择位置, 身高, 初期选就G 和 F/c, 然后根据你的爱好自己锻炼成你想成为的队员. 然后创建球队或者加入球队竞争.

当然要数据爱好者来玩, 因为基本没有图片, 都是数据. 有点nba数据统计的味道.


Speed: Speed affects both your offensive and defensive capabilites. Faster players can exploit slower players on both ends of the floor.
速度:  影响攻防两端的能力,  速度快的球员可以在球场两端爆掉慢的球员
Endurance: Endurance affects how many training points you receive every day to train. It has no impact on in game performance.
耐力:  增加每天的训练点数
Ball Handling: Ball Handling affects how often you turn the ball over and how many assists you generate.
控球:  减少失误, 增加助攻
Passing: Passing affects how many assists you generate from game to game. Better passers also turn the ball over less.
传球:  增加助攻, 减少失误
Shooting: Shooting affects how many points you will score in a game and your shooting percentage.
投射能力  没什么好说的吧.
3 Point Shooting: 3 Point Shooting affects how often your player will shoot from long range and how likely he is to make those shots.
3分能力  增加三分出手机会,  和命中率
Free Throws: Free Throw Shooting affects how often your player will convert at the free throw line.
Dunking: Dunking affects how often your player will attack the rim and attempt high percentage shots. Better dunkers also generate more free throw attempts.
扣篮:    增加攻击篮筐机会和尝试高命中率进球的机会,   好的灌篮手可以制作更多的罚球.
Rebounding: Rebounding affects how often your player will grab a rebound on both the offensive and defensive end of the floor.
Blocking: Blocking affects your ability to block shots.
Defense: Defense affects your ability to generate steals and limit the scoring output of your opponent.
防守:   增加盗球能力和限制对手得分的能力
Leadership: Leadership affects how consistent your team is. Teams with a high leadership rating tend to be less streaky.
领导:  影响球队的稳定性, 有高领导力的球队不容易急躁.

Coaching sliders are a means that you can adjust just how your player will perform during a game. Coaching sliders are not absolute! Even if you have your coaching slider set all the way in one direction, your player may sometimes take an action that "goes against" your coaching slider (though hopefully not too often!). Below is a list of every coaching slider and what each one does:

打法不是绝对的, 即使拉倒顶端, 仍然有可能做出相反的行为,  比方说完全不投三分, 偶然也会投一个.  同时也是互相影响的.

Take Less 3's / Take More 3's : Players that take less 3's tend to take closer shots and, as such, tend to be more consistent shooters. Players that take more 3's tend to wander outside the 3 point arch and tend not to handle the ball as much, opting instead to be sharpshooters.
三分投射倾向:   倾向较低的会选择更近的投篮和更有把握的投篮,  倾向高的和经常在外线游弋, 并且倾向于少控球, 多跑位当空位投手.

Pass More / Shoot More : Player's that pass more tend to handle the ball more and be focus more on passing. They tend to take less free throws, however, because the fouls they are a part of are non-shooting fouls. On the other hand, players that opt to shoot more are not as adept at passing and are better at shooting and drawing fouls.
传球----投射选择:  传球优先的倾向于多传球也会相应的多控球,  可能会得到更少的罚球, 因为有在他们身上大多都是非投篮的犯规,   相反投篮倾向的球员, 更容易得分和制作犯规.

Attack the Basket / Take Jump Shots : Players that take more jump shots are better jump shooters but are less proficient at shots in traffic and close to the basket. Players that attack the basket draw more fouls and are more adept at shooting in traffic, but are not as proficient at jump shots.
攻击篮筐和跳投:  这个比较好理解了.  原文是车轱辘的屁话 - -

Crash the Boards / Get Back on Defense : Players that crash the boards use their quickness to grab more rebounds. Players that get back on defense use their speed to race down the floor to stop the other team.
冲抢篮板和快速回防:   冲抢篮板的容易用他们的敏捷抢到更多的篮板,  快速回防的能够用他们的速度回防阻止对手.   嗯 这是个两难的选择啊.

Take Chances on Defense / Play Conservative Defense : Players that take chances on defense tend to go for blocks and steals in an attempt to force turnovers and create additional scoring opportunities for their team. Players that play conservative defense are heady players that focus more on limiting the other team's scoring opportunities rather than forcing turnovers.
积极防守和保守防守:  积极防守倾向于盖帽和盗球, 逼迫对方失望增加自己的得分机会.   保守防守倾向于限制对手得分机会, 而不是逼迫对手失误.

事件刷新时间  美国东部时间12:00 AM - 根据耐力发放每天的训练点
2:00 AM  -  生涯数据统计更新
3:00 AM - 生涯成就统计更新
5:00 AM - 化学反应奖励发放或更新
8:00 PM - 上场名单锁定, 打法设定锁定, 球队比赛开始在后台运行
9:55 PM -  比赛结果mail给付费玩家
10:00 PM - 比赛结果可见,  比赛详细战报可见(play by play)这个比较爽, 可以看每一球怎么打的, 可惜要付费玩家, 我们只好YY了.  同时上传名单, 打法设置解冻.
10:05 PM - 联赛排名更新
10:06 PM - 下场对手确定
10:07 PM - Quality stats updated based on the statistics recorded in the night's games.
10:08 PM - All stats updated based on the statistics recorded in the night's games
Every Saturday at 12 PM ET, premium members can (again) vote in the Players' Top 25 Poll.

如何赢得比赛  官方帮助文件翻译
1.和队员合作,       coaching bar是一个强有力的工具, 调整你如何把自己的能力贡献给球队, 一个好的传球手如果把投射倾向调到最高是无法帮助球队的.  仔细定为你自己的角色和注意其它队友的角色.
2. 建立化学关系,   化学关系可以极大的提升球队的战斗力.
3. 合理分配轮转,   每场比赛是根据球队的10个人来分配的,  首发和板凳能力悬殊, 效果显而易见,  尽量保证两套阵容至少有一个大个子, 一个得分手, 一个传球人.
4. 根据对手安排,   Blah blah .... 基本是废话.


各位继续注意合理安排训练  重要信息如下

休赛期的退步问题,  耐力更适合在早期提高,  总之这是一个复杂的数学问题.

每个赛季结束, 球员会损失掉一部分比例的能力,  新赛季的起始数值公式如下

Base Stat + Ending Stat * (.25 + (.05 * (Number of Seasons Played - 1))) + Awards and Bonuses earned from all seasons

赛季初数值+ 赛季结束数值*(25%+(5%*(玩过的总赛季数-1)))+ 荣誉和奖励数值


Ham Burglar - 5'11" G

Speed Base = 24   初始速度24
Ended Season 2 at 120 Speed = 120 * (.25 + (.05 * (2 Seasons Played - 1))) = 120 * .3 = 36    赛季结束时120,  公式计算后36
Season 2 Playoffs MVP = +1 Speed   季后赛mvp奖励+1速度

第二赛季开始时候他的速度为  61.

重要重要的一点是 耐力是赛季初始时永远都是10!!!!  这是一个值得权衡的问题, 唯一肯定的是赛季最一两天就绝对不要训练耐力了

这个游戏真的很有深度,  关于化学反应.

化学反应有两种,  一种队员间(2人)的化学反应,  一种球队的化学反应,  建立了化学反应的球队和队友可以得到很大属性加成  化学反应可以在每天更改设定

队员间的化学反应, 每个人只能建立一种, 建立要求两人在同一阵容中打过5场比赛,  要求两人的属性数值达到一定水准.  比如一级"Alley Oop." 空接 要求一人扣篮60以上, 一人传球60以上,  2级"Alley Oop."就要求108点了!

1. Inside-Outside (Dunking and Three Point Shooting)     inside-outside  姚明!   要求属性 灌篮----三分
2. Twin Towers (Rebounding and Blocking)                    双塔         篮板----盖帽            
3. Second Chance Points (Rebounding and Shooting)      2次进攻      篮板----投射     
4. Catch and Shoot (Passing and Shooting)                     catch and shoot    传球----投射
5. Shutdown Defense (Blocking and Defense)                 严防死守          盖帽----防守
6. Alley Oop (Passing and Dunking)                                空接              传球----灌篮
7. Floor Generals (Passing and Ball Handling)                     地板进攻?             传球---控球
8. Solid Fundamentals (Ball Handling and Free Throws)       严密组织?            控球---罚篮
9. Off to the Races (Speed and Speed)                            闪电战?              速度----速度
10. Crunch Timers (Leadership and Free Throws)              关键时刻-危机时刻   领导---罚篮              
11. Leading a Fast Break (Leadership and Speed)               快攻?                      领导--速度
12. Defensive Forces (Defense and Rebounding)                压迫防守            防守---蓝板
13. Shooting Gallery (Shooting and Three Point Shooting)    投射表演           投射---三分投射
14. Rim Reapers (Dunking and Rebounding)                        篮筐破坏者         灌篮---篮板
15. Full Court Press (Defense and Defense)                         全场紧逼           防守---放守
16. Team Leaders (Leadership and Leadership)                    球场领袖           领导---领导

球队化学反应 要求一套阵容5人中至少有一人达到属性100   我翻译一部分算了 这个由队长控制安排

1. Princeton Offense - Passing, Dunking, Ball Handling, 3 Point Shooting, Leadership    普林斯顿系统---传球, 灌篮, 控球, 3分, 领导
2. Fast Break Offense - Speed, Shooting, Passing, Ball Handling, ANY                         快攻体系----速度, 投, 传,控, 任意
3. Lockdown Defense - Defense, Leadership, Rebounding, Blocking, ANY            
4. Shooting Clinic - Dunking, Shooting, 3 Point Shooting, Free Throws, ANY
5. Defensive Trap - Speed, Defense, Blocking, ANY, ANY                                         防守陷阱----速度, 防守,盖帽,任意,任意
6. Transition Game - Rebounding, Defense, Speed, Blocking, ANY
7. Power Offense - Passing, Dunking, Rebounding, Shooting, ANY
8. Well Rounded Offense - Leadership, Passing, 3 Point Shooting, Dunking, Shooting
9. Veteran Team - Free Throws, Leadership, Ball Handling, ANY, ANY
10. Triangle Offense - Dunking, Shooting, 3 Point Shooting, Passing, ANY                   三角进攻----灌篮, 投射, 3分, 传球, 任意

[ 本帖最后由 yemonster 于 2008-9-25 11:47 编辑 ]

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