Y11 - Data Selection Screen (亜空の使者Ver) - メトロイドプライム
Y13 - ブリンスタ (亜空の使者Ver) - メトロイド
Y14 - 亜空の使者 Misc 03
Y15 - 亜空の使者 ステップ:亜空間
Y16 - 亜空の使者 Ambient Sounds
Y17 - 亜空の使者 Results Screen
Z01 - 勝利 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ)
Z02 - 勝利 (ドンキーコング)
Z03 - 勝利 (ゼルダの伝説)
Z04 - 勝利 (メトロイド)
Z05 - 勝利 (ヨッシー)
Z06 - 勝利 (カービィ)
Z07 - 勝利 (スターフォックス)
Z08 - 勝利 (ポケットモンスター)
Z10 - 勝利 (F-ZERO)
Z11 - 勝利 (MOTHER)
Z16 - 勝利 (アイスクライマー)
Z17 - 勝利 (ファイアーエムブレム)
Z18 - 勝利 (ゲーム&ウォッチ)
Z21 - 勝利 (ワリオ)
Z22 - 勝利 (メタナイト)
Z23 - 勝利 (ピット)
Z25 - 勝利 (ピクミン)
Z35 - 勝利 (ロボット)
Z46 - 勝利 (メタルギア)
Z47 - 勝利 (ソニック.ザ.ヘッジホッグ)
Z50 - コンティニュー
Z51 - ゲームオーバー
Z54 - フィギュアゲット
Z55 - 新たなる挑戦者
Z56 - コインゲット
Z57 - スペシャルメッセージ
Z58 - ステージ/モードロック解除
A01 Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros..mp3
A02 Underground Theme - Super Mario Bros..mp3
A03 Underwater - Super Mario Bros..mp3
A04 Easton Kingdom - Super Mario Land.mp3
A05 Airship Fortress - Super Mario Bros. 3.mp3
A06 Castle/Boss Fortress - Super Mario World/SMB3.mp3
A07 Title/Ending - Super Mario World.mp3
A08 Main Theme - New Super Mario Bros..mp3
A09 Luigi's Mansion Medley - Luigi's Mansion.mp3
A10 Gritzy Desert - Mario & Luigi Partners in Time.mp3
A13 Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine.mp3
A14 Ricco Harbor - Super Mario Sunshine.mp3
A15 Bob-Omb Battlefield - Super Mario 64.mp3
A16 Super Mario Bros. Medley - Super Mario Bros..mp3
A17 Mario Bros Medley - Mario Bros..mp3
A20 Mario Circuit - Super Mario Kart.mp3
A21 Luigi Circuit - Mario Kart 64.mp3
A22 Waluigi Pinball - Mario Kart DS.mp3
A23 Rainbow Road - Mario Kart Double Dash!!.mp3
B01 Jungle Level - Donkey Kong Country.mp3
B02 The Map Page Bonus Level - Donkey Kong Country.mp3
B03 Donkey Kong Medley - Donkey Kong.mp3
B04 Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong.mp3
B05 King K.Rool/Ship Deck 2 - Donkey Kong Country.mp3
B06 Stickerbrush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy's Kong Quest.mp3
B07 Battle for Storm Hill - Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.mp3
B08 Jungle Level Ver.2 - Donkey Kong Country.mp3
B09 Donkey Kong Level Theme - Donkey Kong.mp3
B10 DK Jungle 1 Theme - Donkey Kong Barrel Blast.mp3
C01 Overworld - The Legend of Zelda.mp3
C02 Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda.mp3
C03 Great Temple/Temple - The Legend of Zelda II Adventure of Link.mp3
C04 The Dark World - The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past.mp3
C05 Hidden Mountain & Forest - The Legend of Zelda Link to the Past.mp3
C07 Overworld/Tal Tal Heights Mix - The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening.mp3
C08 Hyrule Field Theme - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.mp3
C09 Ocarina of Time Medley (Zelda's Lullaby, Sun's Song, Song of Storms, Epona's Song, Song of Time, Saria's Song) - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.mp3
C10 Ocarina of Time Waltz (Windmill, Ganonorf's Theme, Serenade of Water) - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.mp3
C11 Molgera - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.mp3
C12 Restored Village of the Blue Maiden [Original] - The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures.mp3
C13 Gerudo Valley - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.mp3
C14 Termina Field - The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.mp3
C15 Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.mp3
C16 Sailing Theme - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.mp3
C17 Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.mp3
C18 Hidden Village - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.mp3
C19 Midna's Desperation - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.mp3
D01 Brinstar (with voice) - MetroidMetroid Prime Pinball.mp3
D02 Norfair (with voice) - Metroid.mp3
D03 Ending Theme - Metroid.mp3
D04 Vs. Ridley - Super Metroid.mp3
D05 Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior - Super Metroid.mp3
D06 Sector 1 - Metroid Fusion.mp3
D07 Opening Menu - Metroid Prime.mp3
D08 Parasite Queen Boss Battle [Original] - Metroid Prime.mp3