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标题: 烂泥赛车Pure demo发放时间公布!(9月3日) [打印本页]

作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-3 07:32     标题: 烂泥赛车Pure demo发放时间公布!(9月3日)

烂泥赛车Pure demo将于这个星期四出现在LIVE!
As promised, Disney and Black Rock Studios have just sent us press release love to inform us that a PURE demo will be releasing to the Xbox Live Marketplace this Thursday, September 3rd. Along with a quick tutorial mode, the demo will include one racing location, the Italian Mount Garda track, but we don't believe there to be any online support. Then again, that's PURE'ly speculation (you see what we did there, eh?) Presser after the break.

PURE Demo To Be Available on Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network on Thursday

The demo for PURE will be available worldwide for download on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network on Thursday, September 4.

The demo takes place on the Italy - Mount Garda track, one of 35 tracks in the game. Players must mix speed and tricks to complete the three-lap race against 15 AI competitors. The demo also includes a brief tutorial on a qualifying track to get players up to speed on the game controls.

PURE is an action sports game on four wheels. Players build their vehicle from the ground up and take on 15 competitors in single-player or online multiplayer modes in seven real-world locations.

To succeed in PURE, players pull off unbelievable tricks as they soar over massive peaks. Doing tricks adds to the players' boost bar which enables faster speeds. Along with Race mode, the game includes Freestyle, Sprint and Freeride (an online-only mode that allows free-roaming and experimenting during a set time limit).

PURE was named Best Racing Game of E3 2008 by the Game Critics Awards.

作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-3 07:38

作者: 隐的游戏    时间: 2008-9-3 07:40

这游戏看过GAMEPLAY视频  挺不错的
作者: Missing    时间: 2008-9-3 09:52

很好很烂泥. 看过视频.不错
作者: veryend    时间: 2008-9-3 09:58

作者: zhrflyhigh    时间: 2008-9-3 12:16

原帖由 veryend 于 2008-9-3 10:58 发表

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