I have to apologize since we've asked a favor to one of your teammember without informing you. It's not the proper procedure, I realize that and I'm sorry it happened. I would just like to say it was for a good cause, we wanted to have little gifts distributed for the few parents we have in the team. In our will to do a good thing we got off track and forgot about how to do it properly, following the right procedure. I hope you'll understand that, having a child, you must know we feel guilty we never do enough for them and this time we had a nice small thing we could do for them, so we got a little too excited and hurried without thinking too much. Again, I apologize for it and I sincerely hope you can understand.
Thanks, and wish you and your child a very happy Children's day !
胖胖男陪旅游,陪吃饭,陪逛街,陪看电影看话剧,陪上下班,送礼物,显然颇有成效,薪资大步走不算,还有奖金,报销。一年半后莫名的弄了个kit and security 部门让他做manager了。@@ 据说八月份还给他申请加薪2k,后来没有批下来。此人上班的事情就是和桃总打情骂俏,要不就一起出去办事,没事的时候就对着屏幕发呆,因为实在没事情可做啊.此人以后另外开贴说,有趣的很呢。