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标题: [新闻] 战士的未来仍然黑暗,是时候让大家知道真相了。 [打印本页]

作者: 水星的爱    时间: 2008-3-17 11:40     标题: 战士的未来仍然黑暗,是时候让大家知道真相了。





Ok. I''m not one of the bandwagon jumpers.

i copied my character over to the PTR. Learned how to rewrite my macros.

Zipped over to silithus and tried out MS and Fury builds to see how PvE works out. Even tried out the new prot spec.

All in all for PvE, I can''t see any real reason to be unhappy.

Then, I went to the Arena.


2 vs 2.

Your charge happy theory doesn''t apply.

Tried every combo of class to partner with.

- Paladin worked best if you can find one who knows how to play.

- another warrior is worst

I played guard dog of my healer.

I assisted my partner in crime.


Either I was CC''d and taken out after the healer was %#@@d.


I got decimated.

EXCEPTION - fighting other melees or massively sub-geared players



3 vs 3

Without exception - I was put into combat before I could charge. Every time.

No matter the other 2 players - I was always targeted first and killed within 7 seconds

EXCEPTION - played with a warrior and a rogue - other warrior got sheeped - then I got blasted



5 vs 5

No point in charging here. 5 people on 1 is just decimation regardless of class.

Here is matches I actually won...ONLY because stupid pugs are indeed stupid.

Players who don''t use teamwork in this setup don''t stand a chance.

However, whenever another functional team was presented it was the same story.

vs 5 mages = dead in one round

vs 5 locks = same story

vs mixed company = again they take out the warrior first

Why? Because we are that easy to kill and we contribute the least of any class to a team.

Since there is no ranking teams until 70 I found my answer on test.

I will never queue for Arena.





So, I tried some AV.

I''m a die hard fury dual wielder.

It''s just the way I like to play. I like 15 second intercepts. PvP has always been an inviting challenge.

I have made Rank 12 and then stopped because of the lunacy that was 13+. I have had a little practice with PvP.

However, with the new talent trees I got annihilated.

Class after class beat me.



So I left AV to go duel and try and learn how to fight better against the new specs.

Nothing I learned made me happy.

I could pvp when the patch comes out to get enough honor points and buy the rest of the GM set + weapons, but why?

Expansion comes out and they will all be replaced by quest gear.

More importantly, none of the current PvP gear on test has resilience and won''t increase my survivability problems.

So, to all those who say Learn2Play.

Please. Share.


How do you overcome being nuked by 3 players and dead instantly?

Pocket healer?

How do you break sheep? or the 4th freeze while your healer gets decimated?

How do you enjoy seeing the Priest did more damage in the arena than you did?



作者: 长的衰    时间: 2008-3-17 12:04

作者: exexe    时间: 2008-3-17 12:23

好吧  这是哪年的东西了?
作者: jump    时间: 2008-3-17 12:58

作者: MysterioJr    时间: 2008-3-27 17:21


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