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标题: [电脑] HP2133超便携笔记本最新情报 [打印本页]

作者: jun4rui    时间: 2008-2-21 08:42     标题: HP2133超便携笔记本最新情报

1、基本版用硬盘+Linux售价499美金。中级版是Vista要650美金,高级版有高速CPU+大内存+SSD+3G技术等,售价看齐MAC AIR;

The HP UMPC news is everywhere and I think it's obvious from theresponse that this UMPC represents something special. The comparisonsrange from the Eee PC to the Macbook AIR. Just think about that for aminute. Is this a single device that could compete in multiple markets?I think so. The sizing is spot-on. The styling is spot-on. The brand isspot-on. This could be the VW Golf of personal computers if themarketing is done correctly. Entry-level at $499 with Linux and adecent hard drive. Mid level with Windows Vista for families at $650.High-level with faster processor and more memory and then Pro-levelwith SSD and a high power processor and 3G integration at a MacbookAIR-beating price. The question is, what silicon platform spans thisrange?  Since yesterday's news I've been working hard to trackdown information on the device and I've been following a theory that inorder to cover the multi-market scenario it would have to have VIAinside. Their single-platform C7 to Isaiah processor path. The DX7Unichrome to DX10 Chrome400 graphics offering and total focus on 'smallis beautiful' stands out as being the obvious choice and a few hoursago I cracked the nut with an industry insider who told me that this isdefinitely a VIA-based device. The source is very reliable too so I'm happy to go out on a limb and say that the Digitimes story this morning is wrong. Its not an Intel based device at all.
  Thisis huge, huge news for VIA. Up until now they haven't really managed tosecure a big win with a quality brand but now it looks like they notonly have a big brand win but they also have a stylish device thatcould span multiple markets successfully. It also means good news forusers. Using the existing platforms the HP UMPC could be quick tomarket, sell at $500 and still make a profit for everyone. With a fewchanges of components on the motherboard the processing and graphicspower could be tweeked way up to a healthy Isaiah-driven 2.0Ghz/DX-10performance. One small change in the screen mounting and the additionof a touchscreen and you'd have a convertible tablet PC too. The otherthing I like is that the unit looks big enough to take 40 or even a50wh battery without any ugly bulges. A well-engineered 1Ghz version ofthis device could easily have a 4 hours in-use battery life.
  Quitehonestly, this could be an amazing partnership for VIA and HP and avery popular device. We'll be tracking all the news and updating thespecifications and adding important news links to the HP 2133 UMPC product information page as we get it. If you're really keen, you'll see new news items appear in the 'River of Links' or you can subscribe the RSS feed.
  Update: Take a look at the port layout in the gallery. (HP here, Easynote here),The layout already appears to match the layout you find on theNanobook-based devices with the LAN, power and USB's on the right andwhat could be the Nanobooks unique DVI-OUT on the left.
Update: If you need an overview of the CPU options available, take a look at the CPU overview article here.
The rumors and photo flying around of the rumored HP sub-notebook,the 2133 if they are to be believed, have captured the attention of alot of people.  Not since the first rumors started appearing back whenabout the Asus EEE PC have so many gotten excited about such a smallnotebook.  I have been soaking up everything I hear about the HP, whichisn't much, and have been giving a lot of thought about this (so far)imaginary device.  Here are my thoughts on it for what it's worth.  Ifonly HP would give us some real facts to work with then all thisspeculation could end.

Size.  Looking at the one lonely photo of the 2133you can make some pretty safe assumptions on the overall size of thebeast.  One cool design attribute is how HP has the entire width of thedevice taken up by the keyboard.  The keyboard goes right up to theedge of the device which is how they can get a near full-sized keyboardinto this small notebook.  We can get a feel for the overall size ofthe device by looking at that screen and bezel.  The screen is reportedto be 8.9" diagonal and in the photo it looks to be a wide-screenformat.  This would place the screen width at the same size as theFujitsu P1610/1620 which has the same size screen.  The Fujitsu has afairly narrow bezel around that screen however and the picture of theHP indicates a good 1 inch bezel around the sides and top of thescreen.  This would make the HP a bit wider and taller than the Fujitsuand how they can get a bigger keyboard on the device than the Fujitsu.
Screen.  Speaking about the screen it isinteresting that the reports have HP putting a very high-res 1366x768screen on the 8.9" screen.  The aforementioned Fujitsu runs at 1280x768on the same size screen and the higher resolution on the HP will makestuff awfully small on the same sized screen.  I don't think thingswill be too small to read but they will be awfully tight.  It is goodto see a web cam on that photo of the HP and it looks to me like thereare very big speakers on each side of the screen.  HP could be aimingthis 2133 to be a very portable multimedia powerhouse if those speakersare indeed as they appear in the photo.
Processor.  A report has surfaced todaythat the HP will have a Via processor but frankly I hope not.  The Viaprocessor is too anemic for a quality sub-notebook like this and whileI realize HP's goal will be to keep the price of this device as low aspossible I don't think they'd go the Via route.  At least I hope theydon't.  What I wouldn't be surprised to see HP use is a low-cost AMDprocessor since they've been using these in other notebooks for sometime.  This processor would give decent performance and still keep thecost much lower than an Intel processor.  Remember you saw that herefirst about the AMD processor because I believe this is what HP shoulduse.  I hope they have a 2 GB memory option in any event so if they putVista on the 2133 it will run it decently.
Price.  Rumors have surfaced that this new HP willbe priced at the $600 range which may be true.  It's hard to guess howcheaply HP will be able to sell such a device since it looks like it'sconstructed so nicely.  One thing is certain though, the EEE PC hasshown us that consumers will jump on a small notebook if the price ischeap enough and frankly $600 may not be.  I think there is somethingmagical about the $400 price range of the Asus and HP better come closeor they may have a slow mover on their hands.  The rumors have HPpositioning the 2133 as a lifestyle companion device and it better becheaper than $500 to reach that market.
Software.  HP is in a unique position to put someof their proprietary software on the 2133 and I hope they do so.  Theyhave some good multimedia software they have put on recent notebookslike the tx2000 and this size device would be perfect for that.  Toposition the 2133 as a companion device I would also like to see themput some real simple sync software so that consumers can keep theirdocuments synchronized with their main computer just by connecting themvia USB.  This would cement the intended purpose of such a smallnotebook and HP would be very wise to make that easy to do out of thebox.
All of this is pure speculation as HP is not officially sharing anyinformation about the 2133.  Take if for what it's worth, which is notmuch as this point.
作者: 罪恶台球师    时间: 2008-2-21 10:00

大家洗洗睡吧,EEE PC继续一统江湖
作者: 索尼来也    时间: 2008-2-21 10:42

这个价格我宁愿要dell的entry vostro,质量也有保证:D
作者: gebai318    时间: 2008-2-21 10:52

作者: fadeaway    时间: 2008-2-21 11:34

作者: 冰yu    时间: 2008-2-21 11:45

作者: LeonWong    时间: 2008-2-22 09:42

作者: kid200002    时间: 2008-2-22 10:01

800赫兹CPU 1G内存 30GB 微波数字电视 翻转屏幕 内置几十本字典 电池2.5~3.5小时
系统Vista home  130000日元左右
作者: 马甲A    时间: 2008-2-22 21:05

作者: dfd    时间: 2008-2-22 21:51


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