^G7m,6E0 0oj|Ct 0oLepM~ ?O(aDv7X 在巴黎的 Micromania 遊覽車展 2007中, B;Fw@/ u 當場試玩的人的印象 : wNP=.?L Well, I couldn't play for long, and security held us off for taking other pics, but enough to give quick impressions. AW DS 2 did receive a compelte overhaul in terms of design. Gone are Max, Andy and the others, replaced by a whole new crew. IS went with a whole new, more realistic, miltary look, and quite frankly, it seemed like a pretty wise move t7r6]o Graphically-wise, the look went with the new design, though it looked pretty much the same. New combat animations were pretty low-quality though, blurry and badly animated. Surely that's gonna be fixed by the time it comes out. Had time to notice a new unit - bike infantry unit - and that pretty much sums it up. Hopefully other people went there and spent more time wih AW DS2. **yFYy'4( ?c*|')Lb% (盡我能力的翻譯) : b[#CQ`J}!T 我不能玩很久, 保安不淮拍照, 但還夠時間給一點感想....... ;(0sZ,ONx AW DS2 有一個完全新的設計, Max, Andy 和其他被全新隊員取代 t/X^1cW`N 一個全新的, 更真實的, 軍事外貌, 坦白地, 這是一個良好的改進 $ Qm^ 好的圖像, 新設計的外貌 ~JTtL>_D} 新戰鬥動畫是很低質素, 模糊和不流暢, 這到發售時肯定會被修改好 >K :#TN 有點時間可以注意到有新單位- 電單車 O X8{R 希望他們能投入更多時間到 AW DS2 (譯按:我想是希望開發人員努力一點吧......) 1nQkdU9I L=UYhzRu Gonintendo 網站說明 : M0ooZ;+ - Game has an entirely new crew. )O2`>@* - 遊戲有完全新的隊員 .TijQC } - “realistic” graphical approach taken, no more cartoon-like visuals O yYSqn"~ - "真實型格"的圖像取向, 不是卡通型格的外表 V0blMZ - new combat animations ?i<x(GFH - 新戰鬥動畫 "dq1zL - Bike infantry unit added N?Q72;6 - 加入電單車單位 AgmN9!F^w UP'tyu)o 看來AW2 開發有一定程度, 3L.*`dW] 但離發售還有一段時間, gQS\*.ZT 大家又要苦候了......... Z;QnjL2D 至於沒有了舊隊員的事, 可能這試玩是未完成品, PR W;y>v 所以未有加入吧...... JN3ZE< 亦可能舊隊員以隱藏人物出現都未定~XD N\b0ed 所以大家不要失望啊~!! EY{jT~v 又或許今作樣貌全非, 任天堂怕舊顧客不適應, 會當是AW 的一個分支新作試一下呢~!! | |||||
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