After much deliberation and with deep sadness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer today announces his retirement from his playing career.
The decision was reached after continuing problems with his knee injury. Ole will remain at the Club in a coaching capacity and will represent Manchester United as an official Ambassador.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said: "I would like to thank the Manager, the coaching and medical staff and most of all the supporters, who have supported me through my career. They have been fantastic and were a real inspiration to me when I was out injured.
"The support the fans and the staff showed me during that time was the main motivation for me making my comeback. I feel proud to have represented Manchester United for 11 years and have some very special memories.”
Sir Alex Ferguson said: “Ending your playing career is a sad day for anyone, in the case of Ole, he has 11 fantastic years he can look back on.
"Ole has achieved everything a player could ever wish to achieve. He has been a great servant to the Club and has always remained a model professional in his responsibility as a player, in his demeanour and his manners have always been exemplary. Ole will hopefully go on to be a good coach.”
“Ole 获得了一个职业球员可以获得的所有成就。他是俱乐部一位伟大的球员,并一直以球员的责任心保持着榜样般的职业素养,他的举止和礼节堪称楷模。Ole很有希望在以后成为一位好教练。”
David Gill said: “Ole has provided us all with some exceptional memories during his time here at the Club. Nobody will ever forget his dramatic winner in Barcelona, but much more than that his dedication and professionalism make him one of the great role models in football. Ole will be dearly missed as a player, but will go on to serve the Club as an Ambassador and a valuable coach.”
大卫吉尔说:“Ole在俱乐部的日子里为我们带来了很多难忘的回忆。没有人会忘记他在巴塞罗那那个梦幻般的制胜球,但更让人印象深刻的还是他的奉献和职业素养使他成为足球界楷模的一员。Ole会被当作一位球员被大家深深想念,但他仍会作为形象大使和有价值的教练继续服务俱乐部。” 作者: 卡修 时间: 2007-8-28 22:45
[天空體育] Ole父親: Ole曾經希望可以繼續踢球..!!
Ole hoped to carry on
Solskjaer's father confirms striker's retirement
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's father has confirmed the Manchester United striker has retired.
The Norwegian is calling time on his career after failing to recover from a knee injury, which required a summer operation.
He has spent over a decade at Old Trafford and forever became a United legend when scoring the winning goal against Bayern Munich in the 1999 UEFA Champions League final.
Injuries have blighted Solskjaer's career in recent years and his latest problem has proved too much to continue.
Solskjaer's father Oyvind has acknowledged the decision, but concedes the 34-year-old wanted to carry on playing.
Impossible to continue
"He wanted to keep playing," Solskjaer senior told "This is sad for us, and for him, that he has to quit.
"He'd hoped to recover 100 per cent, but now something has happened in his knee that makes it impossible for him to continue.
"But he believed himself that he still had a lot to offer on the football
field, if he'd just recover."
Solskjaer, who joined United from Molde in a ?.5million deal in 1996, is expected to make a formal announcement on Tuesday.
这一天来得太早了,太突然了...今天上午就在几个网站上看到消息称Ole将在24小时内宣布退役,来源是相对严肃的Sky Sports,从那一刻开始,我和无数ManUtd球迷都希望这是一个假消息,都希望钟爱的Ole至少能陪伴我们再度过一个赛季,可是晚上8点多,官方网的消息还是无情的出来了-----
After much deliberation and with deep sadness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer today announces his retirement from his playing career.
The decision was reached after continuing problems with his knee injury. Ole will remain at the Club in a coaching capacity and will represent Manchester United as an official Ambassador.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said: "I would like to thank the Manager, the coaching and medical staff and most of all the supporters, who have supported me through my career. They have been fantastic and were a real inspiration to me when I was out injured.
"The support the fans and the staff showed me during that time was the main motivation for me making my comeback. I feel proud to have represented Manchester United for 11 years and have some very special memories.”
Sir Alex Ferguson said: “Ending your playing career is a sad day for anyone, in the case of Ole, he has 11 fantastic years he can look back on.
"Ole has achieved everything a player could ever wish to achieve. He has been a great servant to the Club and has always remained a model professional in his responsibility as a player, in his demeanour and his manners have always been exemplary. Ole will hopefully go on to be a good coach.”
David Gill said: “Ole has provided us all with some exceptional memories during his time here at the Club. Nobody will ever forget his dramatic winner in Barcelona, but much more than that his dedication and professionalism make him one of the great role models in football. Ole will be dearly missed as a player, but will go on to serve the Club as an Ambassador and a valuable coach.”
无法否认,Ole是我最喜欢的球星,我拥有的所有球衣的号码都是20号,虽然我没能拥有一件正版的曼联20号球衣...从我开始看英超的97/98赛季开始,那个20号便伴随我开始进入英超的世界,那时候的Ole和现在的我一样的岁数,正值当打之年,一次次作为超级替补拯救球队,一次次给我们带来神奇的入球,99年的Camp Nou成了他的颠峰,几年之后伤病无情的袭击了他,可是他依然默默为ManUtd奉献着,他是ManUtd的一种精神、一笔财富,他能够上场,对于场上的小伙子们就是一种莫大的鼓励...
Ole Gunnar Solkjaer
Signed for ManUtd 1996.07.23
Squad NO.20
League 151(84)/92
FA Cup 15(15)/8
League Cup 8(3)/7
Other 43(48)/21
Premier League (6): 1996/97, 1998/99, 1999/00, 2000/01, 2002/03, 2006/07
FA Cup (2): 1999, 2004
UEFA Champions League (1): 1999
Intercontinental Cup (1): 1999
Community Shield (2): 1996, 2003 作者: 卡修 时间: 2007-8-28 22:48
两次最后时刻导演逆转并非那个赛季索尔斯克亚最让人惊艳的演出,在1999年2月6日,联赛第25轮客场对阵诺丁汉森林的比赛中,索尔斯克亚完成了前无古人,后也很难再有来者的可怕纪录。那场比赛中,曼联在第71分钟时已经4-1领先,弗格森原本只想让索尔斯克亚上场暖身,但挪威人显然不这么想。从第80分钟开始直到补时第3分钟的13分钟时间里,索尔斯克亚一人打进4球,成就了英超历史上唯一一个替补上场独中4元的纪录,同时也是英超历史上最快的独中4元纪录。这场比赛因此载入英超史册。也正是在那个赛季,索尔斯克亚赢得了属于自己的球迷歌曲《You Are My Solskjar》(你是我的索尔斯克亚)。
You Are My Solskjaer, My Only Solskjaer, You Make Me Happy, When Skies Are Grey, Coz When It's Pouring, You Just Keep Scoring, Please Don't Take Our Solskjaer Away T-T 作者: 采姑娘de小蘑菇 时间: 2007-8-29 00:07