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标题: Warhawk第一个Review出炉 [打印本页]

作者: killmesoftly    时间: 2007-8-19 09:34     标题: Warhawk第一个Review出炉

Reviewed by Andre Delaney 18th August 2007

One thing the Playstation 3 has an abundance of are over the top action titles from Resistance Fall of Man to GRAW2. This aint a bad thing by any means, so when we hear that the development team behind the outrageous Twisted Metal series where bringing back Warhawk to our beloved console, we certainly had something to be excited about. Warhawk is Sony Computer Entertainments answer to the lack of air to ground flight titles currently available across all platforms this generation and are hoping to garner increased interest in the Playstation 3 with this exclusive title. Incognito are to be commended for branching out and creating one of the most stunningly beautiful and immersive titles this year.

Originally penned as a single player title with additional online elements, Incognito deciced to drastically shift focus to a more multiplayer orientated title and Warhawk is all the better for it. Trust us when we say flying a fighter jet over some of the most diverse maps to date seen in any game has never been as fun. You get to play in sandy covered ravines to tropical islands beautifully and artistically designed. You will find yourself shot down more than once simply because your caught off guard admiring the view, and what a view. Never have we seen such huge draw distances in our lives. Kudos once again goes to Incognito. Never has draw distance been so important to the survival of a title and if Incognito hadnt realized this, Warhawk could have been a flying disaster.

Graphics aside, its all about gameplay. It doesnt matter how visually beautiful a game is if the core gameplay is dog poor , thankfully gameplay here actually surpasses whats viewed on screen. You have an absolute treasure chest of options available to you here which all help create some spectacular battles. If you want a 32 player battle over a tiny area and litlerally throw your opponents into the biggest masacre available onscreen then off you go. If you want a more skill orientated dogfight then you can create a match up over a massive map and have one of the greatest multiplayer battles of your life.

On screen itself you will be treated to an extremely helpfull HUD system which will help indicated what areas you control, where you should be heading and if any dangers are arising on the horizon. As most of the maps available in Warhawk are absolutley massive, the inclusion of this HUD system was a stroke of genuis on Incognitos part. You also get the normal onscreen information like weapons, enemies approaching etc.

Continuing on with gameplay, one thing most players will notice from the word go is Warhawk is actually like playing two different titles. Ground battles play out skillfully and at a much slower pace than taking to the skies. When on the ground, you have access to a basic pistol and knife, as well as various guns and weapons you pick throughout the game. You can also take control over ground vehicles like tanks which enables you to get from one area to the next. Both areas of the game, whether ground battles or skies play fantastically well and complement each other perfectly.

The games visuals have already been touched upon in our review, but how does Warhawk sound? Warhawk could have plummeted straight to the ground if it didnt have and engrossing soundtrack to go along with the stunning visuals and gameplay. Bullets whizz by, explosions will test just how good your speaker system actually is, and background music will have your heart racing faster than the fighter jets you control.

While we will admit that, yes, the single player mode of Warhawk is non existant but multiplayer really is where Warhawks strength lie. Warhawk is a game marketed towards the multiplayer audience and doesnt make any apologies for it. Look at Counterstrike or even to a greater extent Battlefield 2, both games developed solely with multiplayer in mind. Both have gone on to win award after award and selling into their millions and we dont see why the same wont happen for Warhawk.

Warhawk is a game for a multiplayer audience. It takes everything youve known about online battles and pumps as much excited into each battle as humanly possible. Right from when you boot up Warhawk you know your about to play something special. There are a lot of gamers across the world hoping a game would arrive for the Playstation 3 that warrented their purchase. Most gamers assumed that this title would be Metal Gear Solid 4, but we all know that saying about assumpions. Warhawk is easily the best purchase any Playstation 3 owner will make. With titles like this, Heavenly Sword and Haze all exclusive to Playstation 3, we really can see no other outcome than Sony winning this round of console wars or at least give Nintendo a bit of friendly competition. Get this title right way, through the Playstation Network this August or in shops mid September. An essential purchase.

*Please note that this is a multiplayer game at its core, so for fans of singleplayer gaming, this title may not be for you!*

Graphics 9.7
Audio 9.3
Gameplay 9.5
Replayability 9.7

继国外某著名脑残RF说这玩意BETA版比Halo3 BETA好玩后,又有脑残小编说这玩意比MGS4更值得期待

作者: 网上的final    时间: 2007-8-19 10:14

作者: ddps2    时间: 2007-8-19 12:56


作者: EG瘦AA    时间: 2007-8-19 12:57

作者: miomibuya    时间: 2007-8-19 12:59

原帖由 ddps2 于 2007-8-19 12:56 发表



一直当地雷看啊  - -
作者: ddps2    时间: 2007-8-19 13:06





作者: darkgame    时间: 2007-8-21 16:34

作者: 整个马甲    时间: 2007-8-21 16:35

作者: zo    时间: 2007-8-21 20:08

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2007-8-21 22:06

作者: kidthief    时间: 2007-8-22 00:39


[ 本帖最后由 kidthief 于 2007-8-22 00:46 编辑 ]
作者: 超越神的牛肉人    时间: 2007-8-22 09:20


The first person shooter (FPS) genre has seemed to stagnate lately, offering little in the way of innovation, especially for console gamers.

Breakdown seeks to address that with a shift away from the heavy weaponry and large-scale battles to a more close-up style with the focus on hand-to-hand combat. With its experience with the Tekken series Namco was a good developer to evolve this idea. It also sets out to provide a stronger narrative than most in the genre, immersing the player in the lead character's story through the use of in-game cut-scenes that blend in with the characters actions. While Breakdown largely succeeds in achieving these goals it falls down on some of the basics of the FPS genre.

Derrick Cole is the main character, a wounded soldier revived through the use of cyborg experiments. Little is known about him or his situation at the start of the game, and it slowly unfolds as the game progresses. Derrick wakes up in a research facility, unable to remember too much about what happened to him or how he got there. He is reoriented with the world through a short series of tasks, which handily teach the basic controls to the player. Soon after though the facility is attacked by soldiers, and the struggle to escape begins. Along the way new abilities are discovered, which is just as well after the appearance of a series of superhuman foes.

Hand-to-hand combat was always going to be tricky in a first-person game, and to their credit Namco have done a quite a good job with it. The shoulder buttons control the basic jabs and punches, with kicks and other moves activated with a combination of those and the left analogue stick. Namco have obviously used their experience with the Tekken series for Breakdown and as the game progresses more and more combos can be unlocked, resulting in quite an impressive move list by the end of the game.

While the melee combat controls are a fairly well done, the rest of the control system isn't exactly geared towards ease of use. Most actions require several button presses, even something simple like picking up items or climbing a ladder. Picking up an item, for instance requires the player to look at the item (or person or object carrying it), press the 'X' button to target, press 'X' to pick the item up, and press 'X' again to accept the item. While this is being done players cannot move or look around, even once the item is picked up, leaving them open to attack. Games shouldn't be this cumbersome, and using multiple button presses to open a door or retrieve some dropped ammo isn't impressive.

As well as the hand-to-hand combat Derrick can use the few weapons he finds. Through most of the game he will only have the use of a pistol, and machine-gun and grenades, with a couple of other weapons available late in the game. The focus definitely is on the melee combat with the large impressive weapons found in most FPSs missing. Further highlighting this focus are the rather simple controls for using weapons. With no crosshair or any accurate way of aiming players are forced to use the auto-targeting system. This though is quite restrictive, markedly cutting down Derrick's range of movement while the targetting is active.

Graphically Breakdown is a mixed bag. There are some quite neat touches, like the shadow effects used for Derrick, the portrayal of a lot of the action around him from a first-person view and neat effects like the gas mask.

Adding to this problem is the overall blandness of the level design. Breakdown is very linear, with a lot of the game played in long straight corridors with only one entry and exit. Much of the game is played in and around a large building complex, leading to rather characterless levels, although later in the game this does improve. The sterility of the building also translates to the insipid look of each of the rooms and corridors. Many of the walls are dull beige, with rooms and corridors lit by uniform lighting. Occasionally there is something a little more interesting, such as a smoky fire but on the whole the levels seem to be designed to put players to sleep. Taking a closer look at a lot of the features in a room doesn't improve the situation either. Many of the accoutrements of a room look like they have been painted on and virtually none of the items are interactive.

What does impress is the dedication to the first-person outlook that Breakdown has. Virtually all the cut-scenes are viewed from the view of Derrick, beginning with the opening scene waking up in the facility. Players only ever get to see Derrick's face when he looks in a mirror. Even while playing the camera does a good job of staying in character, rocking back if Derrick is punched or falling right back if he is knocked down. While at times this can be disorienting this does lead to a more immersive game. The only real problem with this view is the relative lack of visibility, leaving the player at a disadvantage at some points, for instance in a melee fight with more than one opponent players can take hits from the side or rear without realising anyone is there. This does add to the difficulty in what can often be quite a challenging game, but it does force the player to think a little more about their actions rather than the gung-ho attitude of a lot of first-person games.

On the whole the sounds in Breakdown are quite adequate, but don't really add anything to the game. Voice acting is reasonably good apart from the odd character that seems rather flat. Unfortunately there are large parts of the game where the soundtrack is almost non-existent. In between the ambient noises there is a lot of silence, which can seem rather odd at times. It doesn't help that the sound effects in the game aren't always good or accurate. The noise of weapons is quite good but there are some glaringly bad effects as well, such as the gentle sewing machine hum of a helicopter.

The big disappointment with Breakdown is that it could have been so much more. The premise of the story and the hand-to-hand control in fist-person are quite original and engaging but these tend to fade into the background as the less attractive features vie for the player's attention. Breakdown just doesn't quite measure up, either on its own or compared to the competition. It doesn't help that the game feels like it was built around a gimmick, rather integrating that gimmick into an existing game. Also letting it down is the relative brevity of Breakdown, with little to entice players to play again apart from the extra difficulty settings. While it is hard to recommend Breakdown we do applaud Namco for taking a chance on putting some originality back into a genre that badly needs it.

Gameplay  7.0

Audio  7.5

Visuals  7.9

Replayability 7.0

TOTAL  7.0
作者: tdkgtm    时间: 2007-8-22 09:37

原帖由 超越神的牛肉人 于 2007-8-22 09:20 发表

The first person shooter (FPS) genre has seemed to stagnate lately, offering little in the way of innovatio ...
我怀疑这是个web 2.0网站,大家都可以改...
作者: 超越神的牛肉人    时间: 2007-8-22 09:44


Reviewed by Tony Reilly 1st June 2007

Enchanted Arms is an RPG (Roll Playing Game) for the Playstation3. It
is a port of the Xbox360 version that was released about a year ago,
and to be honest, not a good one. It's not that Enchanted Arms is a
bad game, it's just not the sort of game (both quality and
graphically) that PS3 owner's are yearning for.

In Enchanted Arms there is a war going on between the Golems and the
humans. Golems were used by the humans as helpers until the Golems saw
sense and began to rebellion and thus the war started. Through time
the war became the stuff of myth and legend until one day the Golems
came back. Upon their return our main character, Atsuma and his allies
try to find out why they came back and save the world.

Graphically, Enchanted Arms is a reasonably good looking game, the
characters are nicely animated and most of the environments look quiet
well, although some of the more open environments look quiet bland.
There's not much more I can say about it graphically as there really
was not stand out points, either good or bad, other than the odd
camera angel used during the battle scenes, but this something you get
used to while playing it.

The game its self it quiet entertaining and this is mainly down to its
battle system. The battle system requires the player to think before
acting (unlike a lot of the mind numbing button bashers that are out
there at the moment, while not RPGs, could do with a giving the player
a bit of credit *cough*spiderman3*cough*). The player is presented
with a 6 by 4 grid and because you can only move a certain distance
and your attacks only have a certain range, means you have to think
out your moves before you make them. I enjoyed this aspect of the game
and it kept me involved and thinking.

One of the things that can be done though out the game is collecting
and creating Golems. When you defeat a Golem you collect their core
and create Golems for use in future battles. Over all there are over
100 different Golems to collect (ala that other "gotta catch 'em all"
game Pokemon). It does add an element to the game that will keep die
hard fans coming back until they have collected all Golems in the

Feels Familiar

In terms of control the PS3s SIXAXIS has been used, but not for the
primary movement method, but as a secondary method. The controller can
be shook to fill up the EX Points (special attack meter) and if shook
just before performing a special move can add up to 20% more power to
the move.

While some have said that the dialogue is "entertaining", personally I
found it quiet annoying and found myself skipping through it just to
get on with the game and get past the bad script and voice acting. I'm
surprised that anyone out there found this "entertaining" unless they
have a thing for bad acting!

Overall there are parts of the game I enjoyed (the battle system) and
parts of the game that I really didn't like (the mediocre graphics and
the annoying dialogue). It's an average RPG that isn't the sort of
game I would rush out and buy. However if you are a fan of RPGs and
own a PS3, I'd pick this on up (just mute the audio when the start

Graphics 8.2
Audio 6.0
Gameplay 8.5
Replayability 8.0
Total 8.0

Enchanted Arms

Not up there with Final Fantasy, but certainly better than Blue Dragon. Try this one before purchase.

作者: 眼神    时间: 2007-8-22 09:49


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