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标题: 给大家推荐一本好书,将来一定会像指环王一样红的。附下载。 [打印本页]

作者: arkai    时间: 2007-7-15 15:12     标题: 给大家推荐一本好书,将来一定会像指环王一样红的。附下载。

《His Majesty's Dragon》Naomi Novik

"A splendid novel. The plot was excellent, extraordinary in that the reader has no idea where it's leading. Let's hope this is the first of many from Naomi Novik."
Anne McCaffrey        

"Temeraire is a terrifically entertaining fantasy novel. Is it hard to imagine a cross between Susanna Clarke, of Norrell and Strange fame, and the late Patrick O'Brian? Not if you've read this wonderful, arresting novel."
Stephen King

As Napoleon's tenacious infantry rampages across Europe and his armada lies in wait for Nelson's smaller fleet, the war does not rage on land and water alone. Squadrons of aviators swarm the skies - a deadly shield for the cumbersome canon-firing vessels. Raining fire and acid upon their enemies, they engage in a swift, violent combat with flying tooth and claw... for these aviators ride dragons.

Captain Laurence is a satisfied man with a respectable commission aboard the ship Reliant. His career is born from a love for the sea and he takes his duty very seriously

Months before the battle of Trafalgar, on patrol in the Atlantic, The Reliant takes a small French frigate, storm-damaged and possessing a fierce crew unwilling to surrender as easily as they should. On board Laurence finds a dragon egg - a great prize as England is in sore need.

Having spent months on a slow journey from Asia, the egg hatches. A sinewy new-born emerges from the fragmented shell, ignores his harness-bearer, approaches Laurence and changes his life.

Hatchling dragons must be put in a harness immediately otherwise the dragon-young become hard to control - fit only for the breeding colonies. The person chosen to first harness the beast must be an aviator, for the dragon will accept no other captain. The life of an aviator is not a desirable one; reviled by fashionable society, they live hard, lonely lives bound to duty and they frequently die young. Laurence must now join them; duty demands it, though his heart is broken.

But, more astonishing than the dragonet - named Temeraire by Laurence - are the documents found with him, documents addressed to Napoleon from the greatest, most skilled dragon-breeders in the world - the Chinese.

The dragon Temeraire was meant for the Emperor Napoleon himself and promises to grow into no ordinary creature.


     你能想象出有一大群龙参加的拿破仑时期的英法战争么,美国最新魔幻 史诗战争巨作《龙船长》现已登陆中国。
英国海军上校劳伦斯从一艘法国船只上俘获了一只龙蛋,据判断,龙蛋 会在船只到岸之前就孵化出来,龙一旦孵化出来,必须有一名驭龙者,一旦 成为龙骑士,将终生无法改变.由于英国龙的数量有限,而由龙和龙骑士组 成的空军在战争中发挥着重要作用,因此,这个龙蛋对于英国来说具有重要 意义,为了英国的利益,劳伦斯成为了一名龙骑士……

一条奇异的飞龙,演绎出一部经典的魔幻史诗…… 娜奥米·诺维克的魔幻史诗巨著《龙船长》实在是太完美了,她让我们真正领会到了恐怖的魅力和阅读的愉悦感受。 超越《指环王》的魔幻史诗巨著《龙船长》中文简体字版首次出版,第76届奥斯卡最佳导演奖获得者。 执导《指环王》、《金刚》的著名导演彼得·杰克逊巨资打造《龙船长》系列电影,必将掀起新一轮魔幻史诗热潮。 荣获世界科幻奇幻文学最高奖——雨果奖最佳作品推荐奖,现代恐怖小说大师斯蒂芬·金高度评价并鼎力推荐本书。 也许你认为自己见过所有的龙,但你还是无法经受住娜奥米·诺维克的诱惑,因为她所描绘的是一条美妙绝伦的世龙。
作者: tonnyxu    时间: 2007-7-15 15:15

lai ge xia zai cai hao kan a xie xie
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下载地址: ... &extra=page%3D1
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mei xin qu a xie xie
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作者: sleepd    时间: 2007-7-15 15:55

作者: DeMK2    时间: 2007-7-15 16:25



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