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标题: 火箭新签巴蒂版阿根廷强力大前 斯科拉介绍(视频) [打印本页]

作者: 超哥    时间: 2007-7-13 19:23     标题: 火箭新签巴蒂版阿根廷强力大前 斯科拉介绍(视频)


  刘易斯-斯科拉被马刺队选中后,前往西班牙ACB联赛打球,他刚刚获得了该联赛的年度最佳球员,该联赛是除NBA之外世界上最好的联赛。斯科拉曾在2005年也获得过此项荣誉,他带领的Tau Ceramica球队取得了26胜8负的战绩。“我非常高兴,这是一项非常好的奖,”斯科拉说道,“在这些球员中间能获得这个奖非常困难。”斯科拉曾在2004年帮助阿根廷队获得奥运会冠军

中文名:   路易斯-斯科拉(Luis Scola)
球 队:   阿根廷
号 码:   4
生 日:   1980-4-30
身 高:   2.04米
体 重:   N/A公斤
位 置:   大前锋/中锋
俱乐部:   西班牙维多利亚
Tau Ceramica Vitoria 球队(西班牙)
NBA 所属球队:圣安东尼奥马刺
主要统计数据:平均每场得分 16.3 ( ppg ) , 平均每场篮板 5.5 ( rpg ) , 投篮命中率 59.5%
斯科拉目前所效力的 Tau Ceramica Vitoria 队可以说是欧洲最好的俱乐部之一,他本人在这个赛季的欧洲联赛杯中也有著 MVP 级的表现。在 3 月初的时候, 6 尺 8 寸的大前锋成为了联赛中的历史第一得分手。圣安东尼奥的媒体最近报道了斯科拉与 Tau Ceramica Vitoria 球队买断合同的价钱有所下降,伴随著的是在转会截止日前斯科拉到 NBA 打球可能性的增加。很多人相信斯科拉将在下个赛季加盟马刺队。斯科拉的基本功很不错,他在篮下的表现非常的积极,并且在场上随处都有他的影子。如果斯科拉有什麼不足的话,就是他缺少在 NBA 中他这个身材球员所具备的体格和身体素质。


位置: 中锋 职业生涯最高得分: 26
生日: 1980-04-30 职业生涯最高篮板: 13
身高: 206cm 职业生涯最高助攻: 5
体重: 职业生涯最高抢断: 3
国家: 阿根廷 职业生涯最高盖帽: 2

赛季 球队 上场 首发 时间 投篮 投篮% 3分 3分% 罚球 罚球% 篮板 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分
进攻 防守 总数
06世锦赛 阿根廷 5 - 119 32-55 58.2% 0-1 0.0% 15-22 68.2% 14 22 36 9 8 2 8 15 79
06世锦赛 阿根廷 4 - 106 20-42 47.6% 0-2 0.0% 10-14 71.4% 15 12 27 5 1 1 3 15 50
06/07欧冠联 泰斯拉米卡 12 8 332 85-144 59.0% 0-1 0.0% 34-45 75.6% 18 54 72 29 9 8 26 35 204
06/07西甲 泰斯拉米卡 29 24 860 205-341 60.1% 1-1 100.0% 81-106 76.4% 59 149 208 72 17 51 57 85 492

赛季 球队 上场 首发 时间 投篮 3分 罚球 篮板 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分
进攻 防守 总数
06世锦赛 阿根廷 5 - 23.8 6.4-11.0 0.0-0.2 3.0-4.4 2.8 4.4 7.2 1.8 1.6 0.4 1.6 3.0 15.8
06世锦赛 阿根廷 4 - 26.5 5.0-10.5 0.0-0.5 2.5-3.5 3.8 3.0 6.8 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 3.8 12.5
06/07欧冠联 泰斯拉米卡 12 8 27.7 7.1-12.0 0.0-0.1 2.8-3.8 1.5 4.5 6.0 2.4 0.8 0.7 2.2 2.9 17.0
06/07西甲 泰斯拉米卡 29 24 29.7 7.1-11.8 0.0-0.0 2.8-3.7 2.0 5.1 7.2 2.5 0.6 1.8 2.0 2.9 17.0




作者: DeMK2    时间: 2007-7-13 19:50


作者: 秃猫    时间: 2007-7-13 19:51

很喜欢斯克拉, 老模子很帅很狂野的
作者: DeMK2    时间: 2007-7-13 19:51

[流言板]火箭与马刺交易:Span 换来 Jackie Butler 和 Luis Scola (交易已完成)

火箭已经和马刺正式完成交易,火箭换来22岁的中锋 Jackie Butler 和 Luis Scola 的签约权。马刺则获得 Vassilis Spanoulis、2009年的二轮选秀权和现金, Spanoulis 预计会留在欧洲。

作者: Rainheart    时间: 2007-7-13 20:00

作者: 超哥    时间: 2007-7-13 20:00

Luis Scola+ Jackie Butler== Vassilis Spanoulis,09年2轮+部分现金。

Luis Scola,2002年56轮,现在成长称为世界上最让人垂涎的球员之一,不过其引进的难度也更加大了,

马刺最近几天允许火箭和Scola联系,通过交流协商,莫雷有信心Luis Scola已经准备好加入NBA。“我们计划签下Luis,他也为能在火箭效力感到激动。我们期望他下个赛季能穿上火箭制服,Luis对于加入联盟和与YAO和T-MAC搭挡感到激动!”




Spanoulis played in 31 games last season, averaging 2.7 points and .9 assists in 8.8 minutes per game. He made 31.9 percent of his shot, 17.2 percent of his 3-pointers.
LAS VEGAS -- The Rockets took their search for a power forward around the planet and found just what they wanted available down the road.

The Rockets completed a deal to land forward Luis Scola, one of the stars of Argentina's 2004 gold medal winning Olympic team and twice the MVP of the Spanish league, sending guard Vassilis Spanoulis, a 2009 second-round pick and cash to the Spurs for Scola and reserve center Jackie Butler.

Scola, a 6-foot-9, 230-pound forward that was the 56th player taken in the 2002 Draft, had become one of the most coveted unsigned players in the world, but became increasingly difficult to sign as he became the star of Tau Ceramica (Vitoria, Spain), one of the top traditional powers in Europe.

The Spurs permitted the Rockets to talk with Scola, 27, in recent days and although contract negotiations were not permitted, Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was confident that Scola was ready to make the move to the NBA.

``We're planning to sign Luis,'' Morey said. ``He's excited to play in Houston. We expect to see him in a Rockets uniform next year. Luis is very motivated to come to the league and is very motivated to play with Yao and Tracy.''
``The Spurs gave us permission to speak with him about three days ago and we had a long conversation. It was very positive on both ends.''

Teams are not permitted to make offers until the deal is complete, but the Rockets will likely have to offer between $3 million and $3.5 million for the first year. Morey would not discuss the parameters of the deal he has in mind.

While the deal should bring the Rockets their power forward, it also could mean Spanoulis' freedom.

Spanoulis and his agent, Miodrag Raznatovic, could not be reached on Thursday, but last week Raznatovic said Spanoulis would never play for the Rockets or any team in the United States. He even added ``They could trade him to San Antonio and he could be the starting point guard, and he would he would say, `No, I cannot.' ''

Spanoulis played in 31 games last season, averaging 2.7 points and .9 assists in 8.8 minutes per game. He made 31.9 percent of his shot, 17.2 percent of his 3-pointers.

Butler, a 6-10, 260 center, played in just 11 games with the Spurs, after he was acquired from the Knicks. Butler, 22, has averaged five points 53.9 percent shooting in 69 career games.

Morey said the deal does not in any change the Rockets' intentions to sign both Chuck Hayes and Dikembe Mutombo, though with the little room likely left in the mid-level exception, the Rockets could try to sign Mutombo for the veteran's minimum.

Butler has one guaranteed season, worth $2.35 million, remaining on his contract.

``Jackie is someone we wanted in the deal,'' Morey said. ``Obviously, we had a need at center. He'll have a shot to prove it.''

But the prize in the deal was Scola.

``He has a pretty complete game in terms of an offensive skill-set, defensive integrity. He was MVP of the Spanish League, the best league outside the US, two of the last three years. He's been Euroleague first team which I would say makes him a top five player over the there.

``If I had to describe him, he's just a winner.''

这个next year应该是下赛季的意思
作者: austin316    时间: 2007-7-13 20:14

作者: lavover725    时间: 2007-7-13 21:42

果然和战神很象 啊~~~!!!
作者: zo    时间: 2007-7-13 21:48

职业生涯最高盖帽: 2
作者: jinyibo    时间: 2007-7-13 22:06

这家伙得分的动作,全是LIVE 07游戏里的全明星动作,嗲!
作者: Romeo    时间: 2007-7-13 22:08

作者: 汗    时间: 2007-7-13 22:10


作者: sunnyk    时间: 2007-7-13 22:55

作者: equal    时间: 2007-7-13 23:29

作者: 零下好几度    时间: 2007-7-14 01:48

作者: woren    时间: 2007-7-14 10:17

作者: 高城紫门    时间: 2007-7-14 10:25


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