Win an Xbox 360 Elite system for yourself your family as part of the "My Mom's a Gamer" contest sponsored by Microsoft and the estate of Joan Crawford. The rules are pretty simple, you just submit in under 500 words an essay about your mom (or female legal guardian) and gaming by May 6. What does she play? Does she support your gaming habit? Does she pwn you in games and then with wire hangers? Does she keep Flowers in the Attic and play video games all day?
The team will evaluate the essays for creativity, appeal to readers and an effective show of respect and admiration for your mother figure. We're just going to cut this off before we're compelled to start reciting lines from Mommie Dearest -- if your mom was Joan Crawford you'd totally win the contest instantly! Anyway, talk about her being gracefully apologetic every time she cuts a Locust in half during Gears of War or how she drops f-bombs every time she takes on the 12-year-olds during Halo 2 matches on Xbox Live. We're sure the team would appreciate that. 作者: chovosky 时间: 2007-4-11 14:40