用法: How to play
This mini-guide assumes that you are familar with the process ofrunning homebrew on your Nintendo DS. If you don't know how to run NDShomebrew, look online for the answer...
1. You need Quake's data files. If you own a copy, that's cool -you'll have full access to the game. If not, then you can download theshareware version of Quake (for DOS) from id's site. This will onlyallow you to play the levels from the first episode. If you want toplay the full game, buy a copy - don't ask me (or others) where you canget these files.
1. In the root of your flash card, make a directory named id1
2. If you're using the shareware version, copy pak0.pak from that archive into the id1 directory that you just created
3. If you're using a commerical version, copy pak0.pak AND pak1.pak into that directory
2. You need a config file to tell the game how buttons are set up,etc. I know that my config file works, so download that from the linkabove and save it into the id1 directory.
3. Visit Chishm's DLDI page (above) and download the DLDI driver file which corresponds to your NDS booting method.
4. Download the QuakeDS binary package above, and extract the NDS file into the root of your flash card
5. You now need to patch that program so that it will be able to access the files on your card
* For example, on my GBA Movie Player (CF) I download the file named 'mpcf.dldi' from Chishm's page.
* I then run 'dlditool mpcf.dldi k:\QuakeDS.nds' - note K: is thevolume where my Compact Flash card is mounted, yours will likely differ
6. Now do what you've gotta do to make an NDS start on your card
* For example, on my GBA Movie Player, I need to rename K:\QuakeDS.nds to K:\_boot_mp.nds
7. Put the card in your booting hardware and turn on your DS!
You need Quake's data files. If you own a copy, that's cool -you'll have full access to the game. If not, then you can download theshareware version of Quake (for DOS) from id's site. This will onlyallow you to play the levels from the first episode. If you want toplay the full game, buy a copy - don't ask me (or others) where you canget these files.