1. Many people believe that different sound waves or types have different effects. I tend to think this may be the case. That is, while the fans of one console may generate noise, it is a more pleasant (or at least tolerable) noise than a spinning DVD.
2. Some people commented that the orientation of the console may have an effect on the noise generated by the console. That is, they have found that place the 360 and the PS3 vertical as opposed to horizontal resulted in less noise from each.
3. Some people have commented that the Wii is loud initially while loading up a game, but once loaded the console makes no further noise. While we've been trying to address the additional database hits I haven't had a chance to double check this one yet.
有些人说wii在读取游戏的时候会变大声,但是读取完毕后有回到原来的水平。。但是作者没有进一步实验 作者: 木鱼阳光 时间: 2007-1-16 09:48