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标题: 毫无疑问,SONY的公关能力还是可以的 [打印本页]

作者: killmesoftly    时间: 2006-10-24 20:57     标题: 毫无疑问,SONY的公关能力还是可以的

GAMER‘S DAY,IGN诸小编出动,争相 rou lin PS3,以下为其对六轴发表的感想。

Marc Nix, Database Editor: I'm really not sure what all the fuss is about with the controller -- for me, it feels like PlayStation gaming I've known for years. Yes, it's lighter and yes, the analog triggers are a little oddball in placement and feel, but I've had no problems playing PS3 games with it. We tested the controller both with USB cords and on pure wireless, and the balance is nice -- I'm not getting that cheap or plastic-like feel that some have worried about or mentioned. I guess I'd say that yes, it does feel less like the workman-like, hefty controller we're used to on PS2 (and it's a total spinner compared to the Xbox 360's pad), but it certainly seems like something you'll get used to fast.


Daemon Hatfield, News & Features Editor: I was initially surprised at how light the SIXAXIS is (surely due to the removal of dual shock), but I didn't think it made the controller feel "cheap." It really does feel like the same old PlayStation controller. The L2 and R2 triggers have been slightly redesigned so they hang a bit off the top of the controller -- a feature I'm not sure I understand but didn't find a detriment, nonetheless. I was impressed with the tilt functionality in most games and was happy to discover it didn't feel like a gimmick. In applications like flOw, Tiger Woods, and Lair, tilt was smooth, natural, and subtle. Overall thumbs up, but I still find the lack of force feedback to be a big disappointment. That's something gamers have come to expect as much as analog control.

一开始,俺对六轴重量之轻颇感惊奇,不过俺并不觉得价格和质量有啥大关系。俺又找回了经典PS手柄的感觉。L2和R2位置稍微变了一下,虽然俺不理解这其中的内涵,但也没啥大影响。六轴里新增的倾斜特性在大多游戏里感觉很棒,并不是若有若无。在flOw, Tiger Woods,和Lair里,倾斜操作VERY自然、流畅和敏感。不过没震动还是不爽。

Jeff Haynes, PlayStation Team: I'll admit it -- I was skeptical of the SIXAXIS controller when it was first announced. It seemed like a knockoff of the Wii-mote, and the lack of vibration annoyed the hell out of me. What's more, when I first got my hands on the controller at E3, I hated the feel of the controller. It felt cheap and poorly made, and pulling on the L2 and R2 buttons felt like your fingers would go completely through the shell of the peripheral.

But now that I've played a few titles that actually use the tilt sensing capability of the controller, I have to say that I'm coming around. Part of the reason is because the sensing feature enhances certain sections of gameplay instead of being the sole reason for the title itself. Whether that's performing a dirty hit in Fight Night, making a crossover or a spin move in NBA 07, or pulling off a special attack in Ultimate Alliance, the motion sensing is there when you need, or want it, to augment the feel of the game. ……
It's still a little too light for my taste, especially because I have big hands and it barely felt like I was holding anything at times. It can also be somewhat shady on recognizing some commands, which I picked up during some demos, although whether that was the fault of the controller or the demo is still up in the air. But the L2 and R2 buttons now have much better resistance to them, and the shell of the controller feels a bit more solid. I'm also impressed by the ease of moving from wired to wireless play. I still hate the fact that it doesn't have any rumble functionality, but I'm now looking forward to seeing just what developers have in store for PS3 titles and the controller.

必须承认——当初在六轴公布时,我心里嘀咕,这不纱布吗,抄Wii就不说了,没震动…… ORZ。特别在E3上第一次实际操作后,俺更确定,SONY这次败了,这玩意粗制滥造,“塑料感”十足,L2和R2键位设置是哪个纱布想出来的?
但这次俺试玩后,俺觉得——俺错了,完全的错了。六轴的感应式操作使很多游戏内涵大增,俺可以用这个在Fight Night出个阴招,在NBA 07里耍个十字变向或转身过人,在Ultimate Alliance搞个特殊攻击……


David Clayman, IGN Insider
Honestly, I don't like the idea of adding strange control functionality to my games. I don't want to jump around, I don't want to "hold the reigns of my dragon," and I certainly don't want to do anything that interrupts my couch potato lifestyle. However, the checking in 2K7 feels right -- moving the controller for the hit makes you really feel like you've creamed the offense and in those really tense moments when I'm defending against a goal I'd probably be on the edge of my seat moving the controller around anyway. This type of control option makes the game more enjoyable and more exciting. And if I get too lazy I can always turn it off and use the circle button.

Jason Allen, IGN Guides
The lightness of the controller is a little jarring. I realized immediately that I do in fact miss rumble feedback. The buzz of the previous controller did a subtle job of accenting the gaming experience. Now, with overt motion like shaking the entire controller, we're easily reminded that we are in fact playing a game. It feels a bit silly. If I could, I'd play with my PS2 controller on a PS3 in heartbeat.


we can't help but feel that the SIXAXIS (as it's now known) has been sadly neglected when viewed alongside the rest of the PS3. Compared to Microsoft's uber-comfortable Xbox 360 pad, the SIXAXIS feels cheap, plasticky, uncomfortable and disconcertingly light - almost as if it's going to fly out of your hands during those more extreme gaming moments.

[ 本帖最后由 killmesoftly 于 2006-10-24 21:00 编辑 ]
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