Produced by Warner Bros. Television and Jerry Bruckheimer, Justice is a legal drama on FOX that revolves around the world of high-profile celebrity attorneys in the Los Angeles law firm of Trott, Nicholson, Tuller & Gaines who will go to any lengths to free their rich and powerful clients. The series stars Victor Garber as Ron Trott, Kerr Smith as Tom Nicholson, Rebecca Mader as Alden Tuller, Eamonn Walker as Luther Gaines, and Hosea Chanchez as Wallace.
Ron Trott是该所的招牌,他总是频频在各家电视台的谈话节目中抛头露面、巧舌如簧。他尤其擅长于招揽客户、陈述案情,并我行我素,因此也常常深受陪审团的厌恶。但正是他的天赋和不达目的誓不罢休的精神才将这个精英团队团结起来。