I do not want to return in the technical details, but I would say that
the PS3 is an “obstinate” console.
我不想從技術面上詳述, 但可以說PS3是個很"難搞"的平台
If one wants to obtain good results, one is obliged to cheat much more than
on 360, who it can work oneself like a PC. It is possible to work there
directly in bond with Windows.
The PS3 has a Japanese OS, therefore different of Windows! In more our
Japanese engineers do not want to yield vis-a-vis the power of Microsoft,
we have this competitive spirit to create different interfaces,
to symbolize our different culture thus.
But I do not think that the PS3 or the 360 is better one than the other.
PlayStation 3 is a little more powerful, but as can be to it a console
which leaves one year after another.
我不認為360和PS3誰比誰好. PS3性能高一點點, 但對一個晚發一年的平台是正常的
They have both of qualities and the inherent defects.
PlayStation 3 is “obstinate”, but I am it also, therefore
finally it is not awkward! (laughter)
雙方各有其優缺. PS3是很"難搞", 但我自己也是啊, 到頭來等於沒問題
the true gross difference here, they is that the PS3 is Japanese,
therefore the Japanese prefer the PS3 generally.
But I do not think that the PS3 or the 360 is better one than the other.
PlayStation 3 is a little more powerful, but as can be to it a console
which leaves one year after another.