原帖由 byisme001 于 2021-12-28 18:55 发表 
posted by wap, platform: Android
For example, the most popular character of the month in Happy Chaos was used by 22,004 players on PC as of the time the video was made and 10,763 on PlayStation.
Meanwhile, Sol Badguy showed 10,256 Steam users and 4,988 across Sony's systems.
We've certainly been witnessing a shift over the past five or six years of fighting game players migrating or starting out on PC due to a fairly wide variety of factors.
其实不是销量 而是活跃用户数 不过也八九不离十了
另外不少人应该买了两份 因为不支持跨平台联机
至于具体销量官方是不会公开的 因为一些“大人的原因”