Channing Frye: LeBron got a Nintendo switch and is playing Mario Kart religiously until he's gonna beat it.
Source: Road Trippin podcast episode 65. 32:00 minutes in LeBron has to do something in his free time so he picked up Mario Kart.
来源:Road Trippin播客第65集,32分钟左右。当时大家谈起勒布朗想在空闲时间干些啥,于是他就玩上了马里奥赛车。
[–]Raptorsraptorsbucketnator 3159 指標 10小時前
For some odd reason I visualize LeBron standing in a walmart staring at the Switch through the glass for 10 minutes before deciding he's willing to spend the money on it
[–]CavaliersBattlemaster123[S] 1396 指標 10小時前
Dwade doesn't call him cheap for nothing
[–]Emerphish 447 指標 7小時前
Didn’t he say he wouldn’t pay the extra couple of bucks a month for premium Netflix one time?
[–]CavaliersBattlemaster123[S] 731 指標 7小時前
[–]LakersPuffyVatty 303 指標 7小時前
I thought it was something about not being willing to roam data with his phone when out on a boat with Wade and Gabrielle Union? But either way, his cheapness is hilarious.
[–]HornetsKeepItRealTV 367 指標 6小時前
It's both. He refuses to use his data on his phone and he complained about the boat not having Wi-Fi.
[–]randolph117 181 指標 6小時前
He'd rather pay premium for nice boat with wifi then pay for unlimited.
[–]BoneZone23 237 指標 5小時前
$10+$3.99 shipping? Nah fuck that.
$14 with free shipping? What a deal!
[–]HeatPM-ME_CLEAVAGE_PICS 211 指標 5小時前
It's the principle! I'm getting $14 worth of goods vs $10 and paying $4 for a service
[–]ClippersThevirginhairy 62 指標 5小時前
Never thought about it this way, you've made me feel better about myself. Thank you
[–]Jmcmaster412 120 指標 7小時前
Pandora yo
[译注1]: 詹姆斯在采访中承认自己为了省下每月5刀的会员费,在听Pandora(一款听歌app)时不得不每隔四五首就忍受一遍广告。
[–]Cavalierscabrodian1 105 指標 6小時前
Have a friend who works for Pandora. She said that was the best piece of marketing for them and Pandora reached out and gave him free premium access
[–]NetsSauteedGoogootz 65 指標 6小時前
Hey, Pandora! I refuse to pay for premium too! Hook me up.
[–]madcaesar 106 指標 5小時前
Interesting! Do you average 27/7/7 too?
[–]New Jersey NetsBenedictKhanberbatch 84 指標 7小時前
Cheap LeBron was the only good part of that movie Trainwreck.
Oh also John Cena.
噢还有John Cena。
[–][GSW] Stephen Currymichiruwater 48 指標 7小時前
Lebron and Cena were both excellent in that movie.
勒布朗和John Cena演得都很棒。
[–]mendeleyev 1326 指標 10小時前
So he gave up trying lineups in NBA2k?
[–]HeatSmokingFrog 485 指標 10小時前
Reading books in the locker room is just for the cameras. We now know what he really does in his free time.
[–]PistonsVioletMaid 242 指標 9小時前
i know this is a joke, but he probably loves reading, just does it in phases. Most people don't have a book they're reading all the time.
[–]BlindedbythePhxSuns 321 指標 9小時前
LeBron actually does. It’s The Godfather
[–]RealShmuel 182 指標 9小時前
Every picture he's on the 1st page/back cover on 3 separate occasions he aint reading shit
[–]Warriors Bandwagonanimebop 171 指標 8小時前
Inside cover is just a picture of pat riley
[–]turntupkittens 217 指標 7小時前
He may not be. But in neighborhoods where he grew up in, intelligence is seen as lame or not cool. So to se one of the most prominent figures reading a book is a good thing for kids. Only lame ass pessimistic adults care if he actually is or isn’t. It wasn’t for you. He was reading the hunger games, a book for teenagers.
So while it was a stunt he probably inspired kids all across the country to challenge themselves and read. Grow up.
[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesbootlegsupreme 85 指標 7小時前
This sub really feels like barstool sports. And that’s not a compliment.
[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 59 指標 10小時前
2k on switch was garbage for me
[–]Trail Blazerszardmander 242 指標 10小時前
“2k was garbage”
[–]CelticsI_Need_Cowbell 12 指標 9小時前
I miss the early 2000s...
[–]RaptorsSmurfBearPig 40 指標 9小時前
to be fair the switch version really is a bad version of the game, at least the other machines can actually run the game properly.
[–]Trail Blazerszardmander 88 指標 9小時前
Aside from the almost required microtransactions to do literally anything unless you have hours and hours per day to grind out VC. The game can run as good as possible and I'll still consider it garbage until they cut back on the p2w
[–]Magicjoshmcd13 371 指標 10小時前
He's gotta get Odyssey
[–]trip6kitty 46 指標 5小時前
Issa mastapiece
[–]PistonsApatheee 111 指標 10小時前
Easily best game of the year.
[–]KnicksLivin_Thing 129 指標 9小時前
[–]CavaliersBattlemaster123[S] 245 指標 10小時前
Breath of the wild for me
[–]PelicansGood_NewsEveryone 664 指標 10小時前
Good luck. 200cc is a bitch
[译注2]: 200cc是马里奥赛车系列里最快的引擎。
[–][BOS] Jayson TatumFeversMirrors 266 指標 10小時前*
Can't even power slide on 200cc. Walls for days.
EDIT: I want it to be known that in the mod games we've done, 200cc was vetoed. 150cc only.
[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonModernPoultry 149 指標 10小時前
People's refusal to use the brake is the problem with 200cc
[–]Clipperssimplycass 59 指標 9小時前
Having only played up to MK7: who uses the brake? It's faster to bump the wall a bit and keep going. If 200cc requires gamers to totally change the way they've played MK, I can see why it's hard.
[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonModernPoultry 155 指標 9小時前
Many of the tracks in MK8 were clearly designed for only up to 150cc compatibility. When they added in 200cc the original tracks in the game before 200cc were comically ill equipped for driving at that speed. Its actually impossible to play most of the tracks without the brake. Even the pro players/speed runners use the brake. I like it because it adds another driving dynamic but the brake is something people obviously need to use but for some reason refuse to use
[–]LakersGiveLonzoAChance 898 指標 10小時前
That is why he's been trash lately. Just look at what happened to Hibbert when he got a PS4.
[–][MIL] Thon Makerthighfat 589 指標 10小時前
He got a PS4, and his girl got a PG24
[译注3]: 希伯特的女朋友曾被曝出与保罗-乔治的绯闻。
[–][LAL] Magic Johnson21Radish 306 指標 10小時前
People thought LeDecline would happen because of age when in reality it’s gonna happen because of Lebron’s obsession becoming the King in the Mushroom Kingdom
[–][LAL] Nick Van Exelbul1dog 75 指標 10小時前
Or Andrei Kirilenko after he joined the WoW guild with Channing and Duncan
[译注4]邓肯有一次做客Road Trippin播客时跟弗莱提到两人以前一起玩魔兽世界的经历。也提到有一次发现基里连科凌晨四点还在玩。
[–]JazzHackanddash 45 指標 9小時前
I knew AK47 played WoW, but never knew it was with Channing and Duncan. That's crazy. AK47 obviously was more into it, since he gave up on basketball and get a full back tattoo of a paladin.