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[新闻] 巫师3媒体评测解禁

首个评分Gamespot  10/10   
http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/ ... eview/1900-6416135/

Gamespot - 10/10

    The Witcher 3 is always in a crescendo, crafting battle scenarios that constantly one-up the last, until you reach the explosive finale and recover in the glow of the game's quiet denouement. But while the grand clashes are captivating, it is the moments between conflicts, when you drink with the local clans and bask in a trobairitz's song, that are truly inspiring

Gameinformer - 9.75/10

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt encompasses what I hope is the future of RPGs. It stands out for its wonderful writing, variety of quests and things to do in the world, and how your choices have impact in interesting ways. Usually something is sacrificed when creating a world this ambitious, but everything felt right on cue. I still think about some of my choices and how intriguing they turned out – for better or worse.

IGN - 9.3/10

    Though the straightforward and fetch-quest-heavy main story overstays its welcome, the option of joyfully adventuring through a rich, expansive open world was always there for me when I’d start to burn out. Even if the plot isn’t terribly interesting, the many characters who play a part in it are, and along with the excellent combat and RPG gameplay, they elevate The Witcher 3 to a plane few other RPGs inhabit.

GameTrailers - 9.8

Gamereactor UK - 9/10

Kotaku - YES

    Wild Hunt is a grand adventure that feels distinctly of its time. It manages to set new standards for video game technology while accentuating the fleeting nature of technological achievement as an end unto itself. It is a worthy exploration of friendship and family, mixing scenes of great sorrow with scenes of ridiculous lustiness, tempering its melancholy with bright splashes of joy and merry monster guts. Come for the epic showdown between good and evil; stay for the unicorn sex.

Gamesradar+ - 4/5
    I dearly hope that the 'day zero' patch eliminates The Witcher 3’s technical issues. They’re the main blemish on an otherwise rich and lengthy RPG. Even so, The Witcher 3 represents a generational leap in world design and fidelity, and is a spectacle that deserves to be savoured at its very best.

Ausgamers - 10/10

    There is no question in my mind that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been worth the wait. It’s sheer scale and absolution in content, alongside its surprisingly strong narrative -- both in the main quest lines, and the peripheral ones around them -- is delivered with a maturity rarely ever seen in games of this scope. There’s Triple-A gaming, and then there’s The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Impulsegamer - 5/5

Play3 - 9/10 (german)

GamePro - 92 (german)

PC Games - 90 % (german)

    laughed, I cried, I was engrossed, I was astonished by decisions and took many characters into my heart - and still I was able to ride through the environment and look for treasure, quests and monsters any time I wanted. No RPG has managed to reconcile all this in such a wonderful way. I would like the PS4 version to run a bit smoother but even with some technical flaws The Witcher 3 is a great experience. This also makes me not care about if the game looks exactly like on promotional screenshots released earlier. I cannot ask for more than the best looking RPG 2015, which is by the way a ton of fun, by any stretch of the imagination

XGN.NL - 9.5 (dutch)

Gameblog.fr - 9/10 (french)

Telegraph - 5/5

GRYOnline.pl - 8.5 (polish)

Destructoid - 8/10

Metro - 9/10

Impulsegamer - 5/5

Portal PSX EXTREME (polish) 9.0 "Geralt of the Year Edition"

Eurogamer.pl (polish) Essential "Masterpiece"

Gamergen (French) - 19/20

LaPS4 - 94% (spanish)

everyeye.it - 9/10 (italian)

Eurogamer - 9/10 (italian)

Metro GameCentral - 9/10

Meristation - 9.6/10(spanish)

Jeuxactu- 95% (french)

Hobbyconsolas - 95% (spanish)

3Djuegos - 9.5/10 (spanish)

Onet - 10/10(polish)

Stuff - 5/5

4Players - 90% (german)

The Guardian - 5/5

[ 本帖最后由 bobosndr 于 2015-5-14 11:50 编辑 ]




posted by wap, platform: Chrome
原帖由 @Sanguinius  于 2015-5-14 11:37 发表


posted by wap, platform: GALAXY NOTE II


posted by wap, platform: iPhone




posted by wap, platform: iPhone


posted by wap, platform: Firefox
The Witcher 3's subject matter, its almost defiant doubling down on its treatment of women as titillating props for Geralt and the player, even as it tries to flesh out more female leads, is its most disappointing aspect. This constant presence weighs down what would otherwise be an excellent bit of closure for Geralt's video game saga

Also, while I did not by any means see every city, burg and outpost in The Witcher 3's world in my 70+ hours spent within it, I don't recall a single non-white humanoid anywhere — not in Skellige, Novograd, Oxenfurt or anywhere else. Once I realized this I couldn't stop looking for any example of a person of color anywhere, and I never found it, unless you count naked monster women sitting at the feet of a boss like a slightly more awkward tribute to a Frank Frazetta painting. But maybe they're in there, somewhere.

Score - 8.0


原帖由 mieumieu 于 2015-5-14 20:44 发表
posted by wap, platform: Firefox
The Witcher 3's subject matter, its almost defiant doubling down on its treatment of women as titillating props for Geralt and the player, even as it tries to flesh ou ...

polygon还是那个troll polygon:D ,说性别歧视也就算了,巫师系列确实以女性性感形象作为卖点。不过因为缺少有色人种而暗示种族歧视实在是太搞笑了,这哥们真的玩了90小时?

[ 本帖最后由 bobosndr 于 2015-5-14 21:36 编辑 ]




原帖由 骨软症 于 2015-5-14 21:15 发表

