原帖由 maxpaynebupt 于 2013-9-28 17:05 发表 楼主,如果我告诉你,每辆车打方向的程度是不一样的,你的世界观会不会崩溃?? Cars were tested by undergoing multiple runs, sometimes as much as 60 per car, each time increasing the steering ang ...
原帖由 maxpaynebupt 于 2013-9-28 17:05 发表 楼主,如果我告诉你,每辆车打方向的程度是不一样的,你的世界观会不会崩溃?? Cars were tested by undergoing multiple runs, sometimes as much as 60 per car, each time increasing the steering angle and input. The clip shows the ‘first ESC off test’ where the car span out. The ‘ESC on test’ is the one with the same steering input. All cars tested passed the requirements according to these tests. 这个测试是先关掉esc,然后逐步提高急打方向的度数,直到车辆发生失控,然后打开ESC,采用相同的速度跟打方向度数测试一遍,如果车辆没有失控,则esc测试pass。 至于其他的,你自己仔细看方向转的圈数就知道了。 不好意思,打脸了啊................
原帖由 装机工 于 2013-9-28 17:49 发表 ESC systems are assessed by performing a series of tests in which steering and yaw behaviour can be simultaneously evaluated. These are called the “sine-with dwell” tests and are based on an a ...
原帖由 maxpaynebupt 于 2013-9-28 17:55 发表 each time increasing the steering angle and input. 这个意思就是说每次会逐渐提高打方向的角度
原帖由 装机工 于 2013-9-28 18:12 发表 目前所有参加ESC测试的车,结果全都是PASS 所以这个视频的参考意义就在于对姿态的理解 反正大家速度都是80KM 规则是只要侧移1.83M就是OK 所以看看姿态就好 ENCAP公布的视频不是同一标准的视频 ...
原帖由 maxpaynebupt 于 2013-9-28 18:19 发表 结果的确都是pass,但是,也的确是每个车打的度数不一样,你要是去encap上用慢镜头多看几个车你就会明显发现,有的车甚至打到半圈就开始回。 姿态这个东西,打的度数都不一样,怎么比? 而且人家考评的方 ...
原帖由 装机工 于 2013-9-28 18:25 发表 仔细看了下,法国车果真优势进一步明显………… 方向盘打得又大车又稳…………
原帖由 @maxpaynebupt 于 2013-9-28 17:05 发表 楼主,如果我告诉你,每辆车打方向的程度是不一样的,你的世界观会不会崩溃?? Cars were tested by undergoing multiple runs, sometimes as much as 60 per car, each time increasing the steering angle and input. The clip shows the ‘first ESC off test’ where the car span out. The ‘ESC on test’ is the one with the same steering input. All cars tested passed the requirements according to these tests. 这个测试是先关掉esc,然后逐步提高急打方向的度数,直到车辆发生失控,然后打开ESC,采用相同的速度跟打方向度数测试一遍,如果车辆没有失控,则esc测试pass。 至于其他的,你自己仔细看方向转的圈数就知道了。 不好意思,打脸了啊................
原帖由 lnclt 于 2013-9-28 18:37 发表 posted by wap, platform: iOS 你敢打机工脸?人家分分秒秒跨省查你水表,信不?赶快出钱买辆屌丝5顶配给机工赔礼道歉,顺便恭喜机工重回有高贵血统的法国车怀抱