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Player "beats the game" on Taiwanese Servers
There was a few posts about it on the forums during the past week and I'll assume it's worth a front page news. On taiwanese servers, 小灰 from the guild 神樣 (TW-Wrathbringer) succesfully completed all achievements in the game and is the first player to reach 986/986 achievements completed on the armory.

Technically he's still missing BB King (added with Patch 3.2.2) and his World Events achievements are down to 138/139 because of that, luckily a bug with an old PvP achievement gives him 165/164, that's how he got 986/986. The achievement count obviously doesn't take Feats of Strength into account because it's technically impossible to get all of them. (Well I guess you could race change to compete for the first level 80 undead/tauren/troll/orc/blood elf on the same character but I don't think you'll get all of them)

I could have waited until he gets his last achievement to report it but Patch 3.3 will probably (=99% chance) be deployed on live servers before he has a chance to do it. It would be a shame to not talk about it just because of that, and if you ever wondered if it's possible to complete all the achievements in the game you have your answer now: yes you can, it's just going to take a lot of dedication.



