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1) What was the mothership? An alien convict ship? An alien slave ship?  
The ship was a long distance resource and mineral collecting structure. Blomkamp explains: “Obviously, there's much more of a population on the main planet, but the ships will go out and get the minerals and the ore and whatever resources they need and then bring them all back home.” It is actually part of an even bigger structure. “The other thing is that the ship was meant to clip together with other ships. So there's, like, vast amounts of resources that they're bringing to the parent planet.”  
2) Why did the mothership cruise to a stop above Joburg? Did it run out of fuel?  
No, the mothership did not run out of fuel. After the queen died, the mothership mistaked to cruise to earth for nearest life-sustaining mother planet. Blomkamp explains: “…it was the ship that realized that, unless it gets to a life sustaining planet everything is going to die, which is a cool idea. So the ship just auto pilots to the closest one in the Goldilocks band, and it's our planet and then pulls up and hits the breaks.”  
不是母舰有燃料。Queen死后,母舰找一个最近的母星,结果找错了就到了地球(mistaked to cruise to earth)。
3) What falls off the mothership when it first makes contact with Earth?  
The command module to the mothership. In the movie, it is shown to fit into the mothership like a perfect puzzle piece.  
4) Why does the command module fall off?  
Not explained. There are many speculations by humen, however. Maybe whatever virus, disease, or entity that killed off many of the prawns lead to a malfunction or lack of maintenance in the mothership. Or maybe, when the queen dies, the mothership is programmed stop near a life-sustaining planet and detach the command module so that the worker drones do not attempt to pilot it and get themselves killed or waste valuable resources. Or maybe the mothership was programmed to respond to threats like holes being ripped open in the mothership and detach the command module to save the more valuable, intelligent prawns inside. UNSK think that the mothership confused earth and their mother planet
5) Why didn’t scientist rip apart the mothership and examine it like they did to countless prawns in the medical labs?  
Because unlike the dead prawn subjects, the mothership is a threat hovering above Joburg. The scientists could not comprehend alien technology. One false move could lead to the entire mothership crashing down upon the populated city,even south africa.  

6) Why doesn’t the military shoot down the mothership? It is a theart.  
It is more of a threat when it is a flaming fireball falling upon Joburg. See FAQ #5.  

7) Why would the prawns not come out of the mothership for three months if they were malnourished? Did they want to die or something?  
The prawns do not operate like humans. They operate more like a hive society. Although with proper leadership they were able to achieve amazing technological feats, without their queen they were simply individual worker drones that were unable to get much organized if without hormones from queen or food. Much less make first contact with a new species.  
8) How come only the queen (or smarter leaders) died but the less intelligent prawns survived?  
The worker drones were more immune to disease because they were bred to be physically tougher, not mentally capable. Blomkamp explains: “And the ship, when the army generals or the queen of that particular ship died off by some sort of virus or bacteria that they picked up on some other planet, that killed them off. And it didn't effect these sort of resilient, hardy sort of drone workers.”因为她娇生惯养。
9) Why did the prawns not resist? Not all of their weapons were confiscated. They would have easily defeated MNU security forces with their superior weaponry.  
Yes, they would have. The majority of the prawns were worker drones. Without their queen simply seeking survival, unable to formulate any sort of plan.Blomkamp explains: “Also, it [the hive mentality] sort of explains why they don't turn on the humans. Individually, they may be feeling oppressed, but they don't have it together enough to form a resistance and back one another. So I found that really interesting.”  
他们本来可以,但是没有女王指挥,他们无法协作,只是出于本能生存下去(simply seeking survival)。

10) Well then why was Christopher so special? I thought the queen (or the leaders) all died. And if he was so sharp, why did it take him 20 years to get his stuff together?  
A hive is programmed to adapt a new queen or some sort of leader, but after some time after the queen's death, not right away. Blomkamp explains: “There is a subconscious hive mind happening, really what they should do is lay one egg that has a different embryo in it that grows into a Queen or being someone that dictates direction. But I think in the interim, because they may have done that, there may be an egg out there with that, but as that being is growing, I just like the idea that he may have been a lot more directionless in the beginning. But the hive structure of their society may just pick one or two that starts to become the leader. Like the overall structure of his brain may change because the hive may want that to happen. So he starts having a direction and a goal. Which is an interesting idea and it's just enough to kick start them to be able to get to the ship to get back.”  
11) Why couldn’t Christopher just jack a chopper and fly the mothership away?  
The mothership cannot be flown without the command module.  

12) So this fuel magically transformed Wikus into a prawn? Very convienient.  
The biological goo-like substance containing alien DNA powered most of their technology, such as their weapons and the command module to the mothership. It is based off of prawn DNA, so if exposed to internally, it can actually alter another species’ DNA to integrate that of a prawn.  
13) How in the world do Wikus and friends talk to prawns?  
The prawns have lived integrated with human society for over 20 years. Because the new species was so heavily impactful, many humans must have learned to understand the prawn language in that time period. Especially hired MNU workers serving as ambassadors between the two species. It is important to note no species learned to speak the other's language, only understand it. Humans did not speak prawn, but they understood it. Prawns did not speak human, but they understood it.  

14) What was the point of attempting to put fuel into the command module and fly up to the mothership if the tractor beam could have just picked it up all along?  
The command module controls all of the technology on the mothership. Without fuel in the command module, mothership could not identify the leader’s DNA, and Christopher would not have been able to activate the tractor beam in the first place.  

15) What were those scorpion-like creatures duking it out in the little arena? Those definitely weren't from Earth. Are they baby prawns?  
They were not baby prawns. Actually, they were the prawn equivalent of pests or rodents found aboard the mothership. 大虾的宠物狗。  




阿娇 腊肠希,泪流满面。。。。。。。




原帖由 amm 于 2009-9-13 21:07 发表


原帖由 literry2001 于 2009-9-13 21:12 发表





9) Why did the prawns not resist? Not all of their weapons were confiscated. They would have easily defeated MNU security forces with their superior weaponry.  
Yes, they would have. The majority of the prawns were worker drones. Without their queen simply seeking survival, unable to formulate any sort of plan.Blomkamp explains: “Also, it [the hive mentality] sort of explains why they don't turn on the humans. Individually, they may be feeling oppressed, but they don't have it together enough to form a resistance and back one another. So I found that really interesting.”  
他们本来可以,但是没有女王指挥,他们无法协作,只是出于本能生存下去(simply seeking survival)。

10) Well then why was Christopher so special? I thought the queen (or the leaders) all died. And if he was so sharp, why did it take him 20 years to get his stuff together?  
A hive is programmed to adapt a new queen or some sort of leader, but after some time after the queen's death, not right away. Blomkamp explains: “There is a subconscious hive mind happening, really what they should do is lay one egg that has a different embryo in it that grows into a Queen or being someone that dictates direction. But I think in the interim, because they may have done that, there may be an egg out there with that, but as that being is growing, I just like the idea that he may have been a lot more directionless in the beginning. But the hive structure of their society may just pick one or two that starts to become the leader. Like the overall structure of his brain may change because the hive may want that to happen. So he starts having a direction and a goal. Which is an interesting idea and it's just enough to kick start them to be able to get to the ship to get back.”  








