http://kotaku.com/gaming/cory-ba ... ppointed-238787.php
戰神2的項目開發主管director:Cory Barlog 在跟他的戰神2開發小組,上個星期开会的時候,
Cory Barlog
Cory Barlog had a little dinner with his God of War II design team last week and they gave him a surprise gift: A Wii.
While Barlog said it was "pretty damn sweet" and that he was very moved by the sentiment, the fun factor on the Wii wore off quickly.
Here are some pics of the sweet wii...though I must be honest it was not everything I had hoped it would be. It was fun...but the wow factor wore off fairly quick. The one game I wanted to play, Trauma Center, was definitely a bit of a let down. The wiimote was woefully inaccurate and sapped the fun of the game. The Wii sports golf and bowling was cool...the boxing is freaking terrible though. In the end I hope to see some cool games come out of it, though it has me worried that the whole "what new thing can you do with the controller" fad will wear off after awhile and I will have left is a much slimmer wireless gamecube. Though the gamecuvbe gave me some great gaming moments so I am not all that bummed. I am still happier playing Zelda on my Gamecube...maybe I am just a luddite like that. Who knows?
He did like how well designed the actual console was and "petite".
本帖最后由 raid168 于 2007-2-23 08:26 编辑 ]