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【Unlock Achievements】推荐一个国外强站(知道的就当我火星好了)









There are 12 achievements worth 200 points
The achievements for this game are Effortless. ( 1/10 )

King Kong

There are 9 achievements worth 1000 points
The achievements for this game are Simple. ( 2/10 )


Ridge Racer 6

There are 36 achievements worth 1000 points
Out of the 36 achievements, 15 are secret.
The achievements for this game are Near Impossible. ( 10/10 )

Dead or Alive 4

There are 45 achievements worth 1000 points
Out of the 45 achievements, 15 are secret.
The achievements for this game are Extremely Difficult. ( 9/10 )


而且还有更有意思的家伙在那里,我为了拿prey的成就去这个站,看Achievement Guide,结果看到喷饭的段子……

31. Sharpshoooter - Reached 25 Sniper kills. MP - 10 gamerpoints

This one is easy for some but very, very difficult for others. If you are a
bad sniper I would reccomend doing this with a friend. If you have no
friends that play Prey add my gamertag: AleX002 and I will gladly help you.

32. Invisible assassin - Reached 25 Spirit Form kills. MP - 10 gamerpoints

For this one I like to play Roadhouse and hide in the corner slot in the
outside area by the truck. This will be one of the more challenging ones to
get but if you kill and collect others spirit it will be easy. I will also
help you, gamertag: AleX002

33. Mechanic - Reached 25 Wrench kills. MP - 10 gamerpoints

If you can't get this achievement by clubbing innocent people in the head, I
will help you, gamertag: AleX002

34. Rifle Ranger - Reached 25 Rifle kills. MP - 10 gamerpoints

You always have this weapon so go around and get 'em. If you need help,
gamertag: AleX002

35. Crawler King - Reached 25 Crawler Grenade kills. MP - 10 gamerpoints

This was the hardest weapon achievement for me. I played Roadhouse and went
to the stairs. If you go all the way up (past the jump) you will encounter
another jump. Jump over there and there are 2 Crawler Grenades in there. You
will also find a Leech Gun. Stay up there and hit the L trigger to switch
them to mines. These are like Plasma grenades from Halo now, they will
stick. Good Luck! If you need my help, gamertag: AleX002

36. Machine Gun Tommy - Reached 25 Autocannon kills     MP - 10 gamerpoints

On Roadhouse this weapon is found at the bottom of the stairs. Remember that
there is another outside. There is also ammo in the back of the truck. Dont
forget to use the grenades also. (L trigger) If you need my help, gamertag:

37. Launcher Lord - Reached 25 Cralwer Launcher kills MP - 10 gamerpoints

On Roadhouse this weapon is located in the bathroom. How hard is it to get
25 kills with a rocket launcher? If you need my help, gamertag: AleX002

38. Soul Sucker - Reached 25 Leech Gun kills MP - 10 gamerpoints

On Roadhouse it is located near the bathroom. If you come out of the
bathroom turn 180 degrees and go there you will see the Leech Gun. Also if
you spirit walk down the path you can get the health upgrade. For those of
you who dont know, it is 200% health. If you need my help, gamertag: AleX002

39. Toxic Overlord - Reached 25 Acid Sprayer kills MP - 10 gamerpoints

This achievement is not hard. Its a shotgun... If you need my help,
gamertag: AleX002

40. Rank 1 - Won a ranked match. MP - 20 gamerpoints

Before you try to go any do this one get better at the game while getting
deathmatch or team dm achievements. Once you are good enough start a game on
your favorite map. Wait for someone to join and then start the game. If you
are good enough get a few kills on them and try to stay away. If you need my
help, gamertag: AleX002

41. Ten Ranked Matches - Play ten Ranked Matches MP -  20 gamerpoints

You will have this why getting your Rank 1 acheivement. You will most likey
(unless you took my advice) get a win the the first ranked match. If you
need someone to play with, gamertag: AleX002





原帖由 夕雨 于 2006-12-19 10:31 发表









原帖由 glooby 于 2006-12-19 10:35 发表



我最近在玩Viva Pinata



原帖由 llooloveu 于 2006-12-19 10:36 发表

Perfect Dark Zero

There are 50 achievements worth 1000 points
The achievements for this game are Extremely Difficult. ( 9/10 )


Achievement Guide for Perfect Dark Zero Xbox 360
By: al capOWNage

1. Completed Co-Op Dark Agent - Completed Co-Op Game On Dark Agent Difficulty Setting.
(Play with a friend who knows what he is doing.  Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from. This is the hardest
difficulty there is, good luck.)

2. Played 100 Deathmatch Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DeathMatch Games. (20)
(Quickest way to do this is with bots.  Put 15 bots in one game, and
put their difficulty to dark agent.  Set a win limit to 5.)

3. 1000 Melee Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed)
over all multiplayer games played. (30)
(Quickest way to do this is with the swords on a small map with
15 bots in killcount.  Have the bots on agent difficulty.  Have a win limit to 100.
This game will take about 15-20 minutes per 100 kills. This is the quickest way.)

4. Played 100 DarkOps Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DarkOps Games. (20)
(Quickest way is to do this with a friend in infection.  Set a win limit to 5.)

5. 5 Solo Missions On Dark Agent - Completed Five Single Player Missions On Dark Agent.
(Complete 5 levels on dark agent difficulty. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

6. 5 Co-op Missions On Dark Agent - Completed Five Co-op Missions On Dark Agent. (25)
(Complete 5 levels on dark agent difficulty with a friend. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

7. 1 Co-op Mission On Dark Agent - Completed One Co-op Mission On Dark Agent. (15)
(Complete 1 level on dark agent difficulty with a friend. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

8. 1 Solo Mission On Dark Agent - Completed One Single Player Mission On Dark Agent. (15)
(Complete 1 level on dark agent difficulty. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

9. Completed Co-Op Perfect Agent - Completed Co-Op Game On Perfect Agent Difficulty
Setting. (25)
(Complete perfect agent with a friend. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

10. Completed Co-Op Secret Agent - Completed Co-Op Game On Secret Agent Difficulty
Setting. (15)
(Complete secret agent with a friend. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

11. Completed Co-Op Agent - Completed Co-op Game On Agent Difficulty Setting. (10)
(Complete agent with a friend.)

12. Completed Single Secret Agent - Completed Single Player Game on Secret Agent
Difficulty Setting. (15)
(Complete secret agent difficulty. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

13. 1000 Headshot Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Headshot Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (30)
(Quickest way to do this is with a second controller plugged in.
Set it for team killcount.  Shoot the #2 guy in his base, make sure
you get a headshot. When he respawns, shoot him again.  REPEAT.
Set a win limit to 100.  This is the quickest way, it will take about
20-25 minutes per 100 kills.  Do remember a friend online can help you too.)

14. Completed Single Agent - Completed Single Player Game on Agent Difficulty Setting.
(Beat the game by yourself on the easiest difficulty.)

15. 10 Players Infected - DarkOps Award. Infected 10 Players in DarkOps: Infection. (10)
(Do this with a friend in darkops. The maximum number of players
you can infect per game is 5 in a 2 player game.)

16. 100 Rounds Survived - DarkOps Award. Survived 100 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication. (20)
(Do this with a friend in darkops.  The people who are not trying to survive
can kill themselves which will give credit to the people who are trying to survive.)

17. 1000 Kills in Team Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch:
Team Killcount. (30)
(Quickest way is to do this with mines in team killcount
against 15 bots.  Infiltrate their base and throw mines everywhere.
It will take 5-10 minutes per 100 kills.)

18. 100,000 CR Property Destroyed - DarkOps Award. Destroyed 100K CR of property in
DarksOps: Sabotage. (20)
(Do this with a friend in sabotage.  Destroy property within time limit.
Your friend can help you. Repeat.)

19. 10,000 CR Property Destroyed - DarkOps Award. Destroyed 10K CR of property in
DarksOps: Sabotage. (10)
(Do this with a friend in sabotage.  Destroy property within time limit.
Your friend can help you.)

20. 100 Territories Held - DeathMatch Award. Scored 100 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial
Gains. (20)
(Do this with a friend online in territorial gains. Pretty straight forward.)

21. Played 10 DarkOps Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DarkOps Games. (10)
(Play something quick like infection, set win limit to 5.)

22. 10 Rounds Survived - DarkOps Award. Survived 10 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication. (10)
(Do this with a friend in darkops.  The people who are not trying to survive
can kill themselves which will give credit to the people who are trying to survive.)

23. 1000 Kills in Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch:
Killcount. (30)
(Quickest way is with melee weapons on small map with 15 bots.)

24. 10 Minutes Survived - DarkOps Award. Survived for 10 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught.
(Play with a friend in onslaught.)

25. 100 Explosive Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Explosive Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (20)
(Mines, mines, mines, and more mines.  Remember to set it on team
killcount and then infiltrate base of bots and throw mines.)

26. 100 Kills in Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch:
Killcount. (20)
(Quickest way is with melee weapons on small map with 15 bots.)

27. 100 Headshot Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Headshot Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (20)
(Quickest way to do this is with a second controller plugged in.
Set it for team killcount.  Shoot the #2 guy in his base, make sure
you get a headshot. When he respawns, shoot him again.  REPEAT.
Set a win limit to 100.   Do remember a friend online can help you too.)

28. 100 Sniper Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all
multiplayer games played. (20)
(You should get this achievement coupled with your headshot achievements.  Use a sniper
for headshots.  Kill two birds with one stone.)

29. 100 Flags Captured - DeathMatch Award. Captured 100 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the
Flag. (20)
(Do this with a friend in capture the flag. Pick a small map so you
dont have to run back and forth too far.)

30. 10 Flags Captured - DeathMatch Award. Captured 10 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the
Flag. (10)
(Do this with a friend in capture the flag. Pick a small map so you
dont have to run back and forth too far.)

31. 100 Melee Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over
all multiplayer games played. (20)
(Quickest way to do this is with the swords on a small map with
15 bots in killcount.  Have the bots on agent difficulty.  Have a win limit to 100.)

32. 100 Kills in Team Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch:
Team Killcount. (20)
(Mines, mines, mines, and more mines.  Remember to set it on team
killcount and then infiltrate base of bots and throw mines.
You can use same strategy as 1000 kills in team killcount.)

33. Played 10 Deathmatch Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DeathMatch Games. (10)
(Use bots at max difficulty and set win limit to 5 in killcount.)

34. 10 Melee Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over
all multiplayer games played. (10)
(Quick and easy)

35. 10 Explosive Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Explosive Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (10)
(Quick and easy)

36. 10 Kills in Team Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 10 Kills in DeathMatch: Team
Killcount. (10)
(Quick and easy)

37. 10 Territories Held - DeathMatch Award. Scored 10 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial
Gains. (10)
(Quick and easy)

38. 10 Headshot Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Headshot Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (10)
(Quick and easy)

39. 10 Sniper Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all
multiplayer games played. (10)
(Quick and easy)

40. 10 Kills in Killcount - DeathMatch Award. Achieved 10 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount.
(Quick and easy)

41. Completed Single Perfect Agent - Completed Single Player Game on Perfect Agent
Difficulty Setting. (25)
(Complete perfect agent difficulty. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

42. Completed Single Dark Agent - Completed Single Player Game on Dark Agent Difficulty
Setting. (50)
(Complete dark agent difficulty. Take advantage
of the plasma rifle, which is a very effective weapon.  This weapon also
makes you transparent, but NOT invincible, so be careful.  Also, know
where your enemies spawn/come from.)

43. Played 1000 Deathmatch Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DeathMatch Games.
(Quickest way is to use 15 bots at max difficulty in killcount.
Set a win limit of 5.)

44. Played 1000 DarkOps Games - Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DarkOps Games. (30)
(Use same strategy as 100 darkops games.)

45. 100 Players Infected - DarkOps Award. Infected 100 Players in DarkOps: Infection. (20)
(Do this with a friend in darkops. The maximum number of players
you can infect per game is 5 in a 2 player game.)

46. 1000 Players Infected - DarkOps Award. Infected 1000 Players in DarkOps: Infection.
(Do this with a friend in darkops. The maximum number of players
you can infect per game is 5 in a 2 player game.)

47. 1000 Rounds Survived - DarkOps Award. Survived 1000 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication.
(Use same strategy as 100 rounds survived.)

48. 100 Minutes Survived - DarkOps Award. Survived for 100 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught.
(Survive for 100 minutes in onslaught, self-explanatory.)

49. 1000 Sniper Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over
all multiplayer games played. (30)
(This achievement is coupled with headshots achievement.  Don't forget: 2 birds, 1 stone.)

50. 1000 Explosive Kills - Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Explosive Kills over all
multiplayer games played. (30)
(Mines, mines, mines.  Same strategy as 100 explosive kills.)

This Achievement Guide is property of  www.achieve360points.com.
No reproduction of any kind unless granted by Monsters or Author.  2006











LZ的头像不错!:D :D :D


原帖由 阿俊 于 2006-12-19 11:04 发表


原帖由 Jeffrey 于 2006-12-19 10:38 发表


我最近在玩Viva Pinata




因为可以多人成就可以发帖和大家预约来交易,所以比较赞 :D




 21 12