Adjudicate the Arbiter
Complete the Campaign on Heroic Difficulty(以英雄难度完成游戏)
Detour the Great Journey
Complete the Campaign on Legendary Difficulty(以传奇难度完成游戏)
Mommas Boy
Get a Gold Medal on any mission(任意任务得到最高评价)
Crushed Colors
Improve your Score in any Campaign Mission(增加你在单机任务中得分数)
Mr. Punctual
Finish all missions under Par Time on Heroic difficulty(在英雄难度下在规定时间内完成所有任务)
Own Worst Enemy
Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active(当所有骷髅头效果开启的时候让一个任务得到最高评价)
Wall of Recognition
Get a Gold Medal on every Campaign Mission(单机模式所有任务拿到最高评价)
Epic Grinder
Obtain a Lifetime Campaign Score over 1000000(战役模式得分超过1000000)
Everythings Better with Bacon
Mission 1: Ram 50 Grunts with Warthogs(任务1用战猪消灭50只巨兽)
Endless Fun
Mission 2: Destroy every Methane Tank(任务2炸毁所有Methane战车)
Covenant "Hot Drop"
Mission 3: Kill at least 5 Covenant Units with the Bridge(任务3利用大桥至少消灭5个星盟单位)
The Real Winner
Mission 4:Save Adam(任务4 营救Adam)
He's Got The Jack
Mission 5: Jack 6 Covenant Vehicles(任务5 劫持6辆星盟的车辆)
Rhino Hugger
Mission 6: Successfully protect every Rhino(任务6:保护所有的Rhino不受伤害)
Micro Manager
Mission 7: Do not destroy any Power Node(任务7:不要破坏任何电源节点)
Ramblin' Man
Mission 8: Use Elephants to train 100 Infantry(任务8:用Elephants践踏100名士兵)
Sweet Naptime
Mission 9: Put every Colony in Hibernation Mode at the same time(任务9:同时让所有Colony进入休眠状态)
The Procrastinator
Mission 10: Disrupt all Tractor Beams(任务10:分散所有牵引器的光线)
Battened Down the Hatches
Mission 11: Save all the Airlocks(任务11:救出所有的Airlocks)
Handy with Tools
Mission 12: Repair the Power Core in less than 4 minutes(任务12:在4分钟之内修复电力核心)
Beaming with Pride
Mission 13: Destroy 25 units with the Scarab(任务13:用Scarab消灭敌25战斗单位)
Didn't Get To Second Base
Mission 14: Don't claim an extra base(任务14:保护主基地不受侵害)
Thinkin' about My Doorbell
Mission 15: Open the Doors in order(任务15:按照次序开启所有大门)
Complete any Campaign Mission in Co-op Mode(在合作模式下完成一场战役)
Complete entire Campaign in Co-op Mode(在合作模式下完成所有战役)
Playin the Field
Win a Skirmish Game with every Leader(用所有指挥官取得一场遭遇战的胜利)
Gallivant around the Galaxy
Win a game on every Skirmish Map(在所有遭遇战的地图中获胜)
Empire Builder
Win a game in every Skirmish Game Mode(至少在所有遭遇战模式获得一次胜利)
Get 20000 points in any Skirmish Game(在任意一场遭遇战中得到2万分)
Big Als Scooter
Win a Heroic Skirmish Game against the AI in under 10 minutes(英雄难度进行一场遭遇战并且在10分钟之内速推对手)
My Virtual Friends Love Me
Win a 3v3 Skirmish game with 2 AI Allies(在3对3遭遇战模式中获得胜利)
Walk-Off Winner
Use one of the 6 Major Leader Powers to destroy an enemy's last unit(用6中领袖能力之一来摧毁敌方最后一个单元)
Penny Pincher
Get a winning High Score with 10 or less Squads against the Heroic AI(英雄难度下取得一场遭遇战的胜利并且己方的战斗单位不足10个)
N00b n0 M0r3
Win a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE(线上模式取得一场遭遇战的胜利)
So Lonely at the Top
Win and have the Highest Score in a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE(在线上模式的遭遇战中赢得胜利并且获得最高分)
Basically Naive
Obtain the Recruit Rank on Xbox LIVE(线上游戏等级达到Recruit)
Officer on Deck
Obtain the Lieutenant Rank on Xbox LIVE(线上游戏等级达到Lieutenant)
Running the Show
Obtain the General Rank on Xbox LIVE(线上游戏等级达到General)
Alas Poor Andrew Thomas
Collect your first Skull(收集游戏中的第一个骷髅头)
Grave robber
Collect all Skulls(收集游戏中的所有骷髅头)
Halo Academic
Unlock 20 Timeline Events(解锁游戏中20个特殊事件)
Halo Historian
Unlock All Timeline Events(解锁游戏中所有特殊事件)
Ready for the Sequel
100% Completion(以100%的完成度完成游戏)
24 Hours of Quality
Play Halo Wars for at least 24 Total Hours(光环战争的游戏总时间至少在24小时)
原帖由 wtf317 于 2009-1-25 18:40 发表 火星,列表早出來了。