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[电脑] DX10将要成为历史 8月首曝DX11新技术,附技术细节

在今年4月份,NVIDIA宣布将于8月召开全球最大的LanParty——NVISION 08,专门致力于热衷于视觉计算和专业人士的发烧友们。根据消息,NVISION 08将于8月25日—27日在美国硅谷加州圣何塞举行。


    根据会议安排,微软XNA Developer Connection(XDC)团队游戏专家Kev Gee将于硅谷当地时间8月26日下午5点到6点主持一次技术会议,首次公开介绍下一代应用程序接口DX11的一些资料。
    DX11实际上是基于DX10演变而来,在现有DX10的基础上加入组多全新的渲染特性,比如Compute Shaders、多线程渲染、Tessellation以及Shader Model 5.0等。关于DX11的正式面世时间估计会随着Windows vista SP2一同推出。
  DX11的介绍仅仅是此次会议的一个很小的部分,除此之外,还有业界界高层演讲、各种专题研讨会、技术展示、现场演唱会、iGames博览会、ESWC电子竞技总决赛,以及史上规模最大的LAN Party游戏聚会。据悉,此次LanParty参与人数将打破吉尼斯世界纪录。

Introduction to the Direct3D 11 Graphics Pipeline

Allison Klein
Be the firston your block to learn about how Direct3D 11 extends and enhancesDirect3D 10 with new hardware and API calls. This talk discusses thefeatures in Direct3D 11 that enable you to create content that scalesfrom small screens to high-resolution displays, and across different CPU and GPU configurations.
Direct3D 11 Tessellation

Kev Gee
Direct3D 11 contains new programmableand fixed function stages designed to enable powerful, flexibletessellation approaches at interactive frame rates in games andmodeling applications. Come with us as we take a trip through thepipeline and hear how to prepare your content pipelines to exploit thisincredible step in the evolution of graphics.
Direct3D 11 Compute Shader —More Generality for Advanced Techniques

Chas Boyd
The Direct3DAPI imposes some constraints on the processing model in order toachieve optimal rendering performance. Direct3D 11 introduces theCompute Shader as a way to access this computational capability withoutso many constraints. It opens the door to operations on more generaldata-structures than just arrays, and to new classes of algorithms aswell. Key features include: communication ofdata between threads, and a rich set of primitives for random accessand streaming I/O operations. These features enable faster and simplerimplementations of techniques already in use, such as imaging andpost-processing effects, and also open up new techniques that becomefeasible on Direct3D 11–class hardware.
High Level Shader Language (HLSL) Update—Introducing Version 5.0
Michael Oneppo
Get ready toshift your shader development into high gear with the next version ofHLSL. This talk introduces new High Level Shader Language featurescoming in Direct3D 11, including support for Dynamic Shader Linkage andmore. Hear how HLSL 5.0 brings support for interfaces, objects, andpolymorphism, and get yourself ready for this exciting update to theworld’s leading data-parallel programming language!


[ 本帖最后由 carnon 于 2008-7-8 17:29 编辑 ]




原帖由 飞天猪 于 2008-7-8 18:11 发表
必须两个字要不得...........否则那真正的dx9的游戏都有没,指必须win xp sp2才能运行的


11年的事情 现在就别多提了

