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《战神》制作人David Jaffe接受GamePro采访

David Jaffe在接受GamePro采访时表示,他的新工作室“Eat Sleep Play”将为PS3开发3款独占游戏,第一款游戏将在08年公布。


God of War creator confirms three PS3 exclusives

by GamePro Staff | 08/08/2007 | 1:23:33 PM PST

David Jaffe confirmed in an interview with GamePro that Eat Sleep Play's three upcoming games would in fact be original PS3 exclusives.

David Jaffe在与GamePro的访谈中确认了Eat Sleep Play的下三款作品将是原创的PS3独占游戏。

Jaffe clarified statements that in addition to the Twisted Metal: Head-On port for PS2, his new independent studio of 20 employees will concurrently be working on the first of three original games exclusively for PlayStation 3.

Jaffe表示他自己公司的20位员工目前正同时开发将在PS2发行的“Twisted Metal: Head-On”与三款PS3独占作品中的第一部。

"I can't disclose themes," Jaffe said, "but the new game is medium to hardcore in terms of game play and will focus heavily on multiplayer."


"I am more excited about this game than anything I have ever worked on. I cannot wait to unveil it," Jaffed added from Eat Sleep Play headquarters in Salt Lake City.

“对于开发这款作品我感到相当兴奋,甚至超过任何之前开发的游戏,我迫不及待的想要公布它。”Jaffed在回到Eat Sleep Play总部时特别多说了这句话。

The three new games will either be on Blu-ray disc or as downloadable titles depending on how Sony decides to distribute the games. The first unnamed title is expected sometime in 2008.

Eat Sleep Play was founded in July by David Jaffe and Scott Campbell both formerly of Sony Studios. Combined, they are responsible for such titles as God of War and Twisted Metal.


Eat Sleep Play公司成立于7月,由前Sony Studios员工David Jaffe和Scott Campbell主持大局,他们曾制作过的作品有“战神”系列与“Twisted Metal”。

Stay tuned for tomorrow's full exclusive interview. -- Blake Snow

[ 本帖最后由 张国志老师 于 2007-8-10 16:43 编辑 ]





