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iPhone OS 4.0(多任务,文件夹,壁纸,整合邮箱,iBook,企业应用,游戏中心,iAd)

10:34AM "So there are our seven services for multitasking. To go along with all this, we have this incredible user interface. And that is multitasking, which is our first tentpole for 10:34AM "Next, task completion. There are some apps that take awhile to complete a task. Like uploading pictures to flickr -- now it can continue to upload pictures in the background. And our last one -- fast app switching. It's what allows applications to save its state and stop running, and then restart instantly where you left it."

和WinPhone7 差不多的理念,估计WinPhone7最后出来也会和os4.0类似的多任务。

