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■ 06年最新最全: 业界谣言一锅端!

最新一期的Orange Lounge Radio podcast 中,OLR公布了一堆最新的业界谣言

原文: http://orangeloungeradio.com/php ... article&sid=621

Nintendo: Wii Launch 关于Wii首发
* Will be announced in Japan on 9/14. It is imagined that this will coincide with press party on 9/14 in NY(since the time difference). (Note: After Loki attended the sales event, this was confirmed by other media outlets)

* 100% confirmed to be a November launch.

* Will be a worldwide launch
Wii 将是全球同步首发

* Lack of product may delay launch past PS3 launch but it will be before Thanksgiving.
Wii 的首发缺货可能一直会延续到 PS3 发售后;不过在感恩节前会缓解。

* Nintendo is spending about $30M on marketing for the Wii (twice of what the GameCube was).
任天堂为 Wii 准备的宣传费用是3000万美元(是GameCube的两倍)

* There will be a ton of street crews for the Wii. Not going to have in store kiosks. Not certain on that. (Note: We realize this contradicts an earlier kiosk screenprint floating around the internet. We're not sure why there is such a blatent contradiction ourselves. If you listen to the show, we theorize that perhaps there's a change in the kiosk strategy that was mis-interpreted)
Wii 的主要宣传手段将是上街宣传,而不是店内宣传。

* DVD VIDEO PLAYER is an add-on is not included with the Wii (like the XBOX was)
Wii 的DVD播放功能需要额外购买配件才能实现,类似于Xbox的做法(另外购买个遥控器才能看DVD)

* Blitz: The League is cancelled for the Wii
Blitz: The League的Wii版本已经取消开发

Konami 科乐美
* Winning 11 Pro Evolution 2007 not an XBOX 360 exclusive. The reason there is no PS3 is because they haven't gotten the final dev kits yet. My rep says it will probably be released on the PS3 as late as May.
WE11将不是Xbox 360独占。目前没有PS3版本是因为他们还没有拿到最终版开发包。消息称PS3版最晚可能会到明年5月发售。

* Castlevania Portrait Of Ruin delayed until early December. (This contradicts what we were told at Konami BBQ, but is certianly feasible)

* All the song packs from the ultramix series will be transferable to universe (Loki asked twice to confirm this when he mentioned it, still uncertain about that though. Loki thinks the rep may have been confusing Ultramix 4 with Universe, but still…)

* Activision says the next Guitar Hero after 2 will be on the XBOX 360.
音乐游戏 Guitar Hero 2的下一版本将出到Xbox 360上。

* Activision says the PS3 online service will not be free. (Rumor?)
Activision称 PS3 的在线服务不会免费。

Sega 世嘉
* No charge for online aspect of PSU on XBOX 360. There will be a monthly fee for PS2 and PC users.
Xbox 360版本的 《梦幻之星:宇宙》的在线版本将免费。而PS2和PC版则有月费。

* Sonic: Secret Of The Rings for Wii coming Mar. ’07 (not at launch)
新的Wii版《索尼克》不会首发,而要等到 07年3月

* No Full Auto 2 for the XBOX 360 at all. The first one did not sell well so they will not be making a sequel for the XBOX 360.
Full Auto 2不会出到Xbox 360上了。因为360的第一作卖得不好。

Lucas Arts: 卢卡斯
* Wii Star Wars game in development now but will not be done until late 2007 or early 2008. They want to get it right they said that is why there isn’t anything at launch.

* Next-Gen Star Wars game coming Q4 of 2007

* Next-Gen Indiana Jones game will be launched at the release of the new movie (which is confirmed to be in preproduction)

* D3’s first next gen game Dark Sector will be coming Fall 2007.
D3的第一款次世代游戏 Dark Sector 会在07年秋季上市

Vivendi: 威望迪
* Funny bit of trivia: The voice actor for Tony Montana in Scarface is Al Pachino’s driver. Apparently Al Pachino can no longer do Tony’s voice due to his age.
算是一条花絮吧:在游戏版《疤面煞星》中为 阿尔·帕西诺Al Pachino饰演的Tony Montana配音的将是他本人的司机。帕西诺的年龄无法再为年轻的自己配音了。

Ubisoft: 育碧
* GT will ship with a Steering Wheel add-on for the Wii controller.

* New Prince Of Persia coming for the PSP. It will be based on the Two Thrones game and will feature multiplayer content and new Chariot Races. Working title was just Prince Of Persia at the moment.
PSP上将会出一款新的《波斯王子》,基本根据第三作《王者无双》,会增加多人模式和新的种族。开发代号目前就是 Prince of Persia

Koei: 光荣
* Bladestorm: Hundred Year War Q1 2007, not at launch
剑风:百年战争 会在 2007年1季度上市,不是首发。

* Guitaro Man Lives: Online play and new songs.

* New Romance Of The Three Kingdoms for PS2 coming Q1 - Q2 2007.

Microsoft: 微软
* XBOX 360 - NO PRICE DROPS, NO BUNDLES. Infact he mentioned that the Canada office works a bit independent of the US office and that they didn’t know Canada was doing a bundle. Much hate mail was exchanged.
Xbox 360: 不会降价!不会出优惠包! 实际上加拿大办公室是部分独立于美国总部运作的,所以美国都不知道加拿大那边出了个优惠包。据说双方在邮件里互相痛骂了一番。

* Gears Of War comes out November 7th. Not street dated. Emergence Day is November 12th. That is when the big advertising push happens, not the release of the game.
GOW《战争机器》在11月7日发售!宣传中反复提到的 Emergence Day(出现日),其实是11月12日。12日会有大规模的广告宣传攻势,但不是指游戏发售

* Halo 3 set to come out March or April of 2007. Not Fall 2007.
HALO 3将在 2007年3月或4月上市,而不是2007年秋季

* The $79.99 vision camera bundle will replace the 12 month Live bundle that is available now.
今后79.99美元的 Vision视频头套装会取代现在的12个月Live月卡。

Atari: 雅达利
* Alone In The Dark set for mid 2007. They’re not releasing it until it’s perfect. It will be episodic.

* Test Drive: Unlimited will be getting new download packs each month. This is planned so far until June of next year. The 1st two packs will be Lexus cars. No word if these will be free (but he said Lexus paid 250K for the cars to be in the game). The packs will range from FREE - $7.99 (or the Microsoft point equivalent of that)
360版的《无限试驾》将会每个月推出一个内容下载包!计划一直出到明年6月。第一批两个下载包将是 Lexus的新车。是否收费目前尚不清楚(不过消息人士透露雷克萨斯为了让车出现在游戏里付了25万美元)。这些下载包的价格范围将从免费到7.99美元不等(微软点数换算后)


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2006-9-8 10:02 编辑 ]


原帖由 czzj12345 于 2006-9-8 10:02 发表
You bet?


原帖由 正版万岁 于 2006-9-10 01:24 发表



* 100% confirmed to be a November launch.

* Will be a worldwide launch
Wii 将是全球同步首发

* Lack of product may delay launch past PS3 launch but it will be before Thanksgiving.
Wii 的首发缺货可能一直会延续到 PS3 发售后;不过在感恩节前会缓解。
Wii 的官方价格和发售日出来了。

