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楼主没白嫖没吃你们家面包 花谁的钱买游戏我不知道 但你冷嘲热讽是咋回事?



Wolfenstein 2 on Switch: can mobile hardware really run a cutting-edge shooter?

https://www.eurogamer.net/articl ... witch-tech-analysis

The game itself is intact but achieving this on Switch has required a particular philosophy - specifically, the prioritisation of rendering features over resolution. The end result is a game that is remarkably close to the existing versions, but it's also the blurriest game of the generation thus far - but the how and why is worth exploring. For starters, like Doom, Wolfenstein 2 utilises an adaptive resolution feature that adjusts pixel count based on load. We pixel counted a wide variety of shots from the docked mode, and came up with a whole host of results. Everything ranging from a top end of 720p to 1216x684 to 540p and 432p all the way down to 640x360. When played in portable mode, 768x432 and 640x360 are common pixel counts, but it can increase from there depending on load. In general, it's comparable to the Switch version of Doom but seems to scale towards the low-end more often. There's no getting around it - this really is a very blurry game.
Ultimately, image quality wise, Panic Button seems to be pulling out every trick in the book. There have been a lot of innovations in terms of image treatment this generation and Wolfenstein 2 puts many of these to use in such a way that works - but there's so much more to discuss here than just image quality. The port offers most of the visual features present in the original release but each of them has been optimised to work best on the Switch. For starters, when installed to your console, Wolfenstein 2 requires just 21GB of storage space. In comparison, the original console release is closer to 50GB. There's a huge saving here and part of it comes from downgrading the quality of the pre-rendered video sequences - which accounts for 7.72GB of data in the original game.
Of course, this is the worst-case scenario here and certainly does not represent the overall experience. For most of the game, I'd say we're looking at a mostly locked 30fps with a few wobbles here and there. It's only during a couple of larger battles that frame-rate issues begin to crop up. When in portable mode, the results are less stable but it's still quite playable. The average resolution remains lower than docked mode and the performance is less fluid but thanks to the small size of the screen, it still manages to look and feel satisfying.

[ 本帖最后由 愤怒的双翼 于 2018-7-1 07:04 编辑 ]

