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[新闻] 或许是坂本最后的波纹——聊聊银河战士5(或许没有或许了)

posted by wap, platform: Chrome

When asked if Metroid Dread was the end of a story series, Sakamoto instead pointed to more Metroid to come. "The Metroid story until this point has dealt with Samus' strange fate that's been intertwined around this being called the Metroid. And until now that's been the focus of the series. But what this game represents is a bit of a pause, or kind of a new start to something else. Nobody wants the Metroid series to end, and we know that. We ourselves don't want that either: we want people to know that there is some kind of new episode that is waiting in the works. And we want you to look forward with what we do with that next, but there are no specifics now."

