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标题: Feel+ 中里英一郎長篇訪談 [打印本页]

作者: 金碧辉煌    时间: 2007-5-10 20:46     标题: Feel+ 中里英一郎長篇訪談




    金主、MS在日本遇到的問題,PS3 不如預期成功導致的業界開發資源
    Lost Odyssey 計畫中扮演的角色、松野泰已目前的確有計畫進行中
作者: 金碧辉煌    时间: 2007-5-10 20:52

自顶 等战神翻译
作者: wpxgod    时间: 2007-5-10 21:05

原帖由 金碧辉煌 于 2007-5-10 20:52 发表
自顶 等战神翻译
战神会翻译? 他最近都很少翻译长文了.....
作者: 红叶    时间: 2007-5-10 21:29

作者: 金碧辉煌    时间: 2007-5-10 21:57


自己看吧 看不懂用GOOGLE
作者: 没钱的命    时间: 2007-5-11 16:00

作者: 战神blog    时间: 2007-5-11 16:04

原帖由 wpxgod 于 2007-5-10 21:05 发表

战神会翻译? 他最近都很少翻译长文了.....
作者: norush    时间: 2007-5-11 16:10

战神现在只翻译可以战的内容 尤其是针对WII的  这个纯游戏的他是不会感兴趣的
作者: 火彩    时间: 2007-5-11 16:59

追踪Ray:与Ray Nakazato一起探索日本游戏市场

Ray Nakazato最早在日本的Broderbund从事PC游戏编程的工作,而后分别混迹于EA日本、CAPCOM和Microsoft Game Studios。现在终于混成了FeelPlus studio的总裁,目前他正和FF的生父一起开发失落的小胡子。Nakazato是今年GDC上的一名喷子(发言者),Gamasutra借此机会采访了他,他向记者透露了日本游戏工业方面大多数开发者避而不谈的内容。主要涉及到日本PS3、360以及游戏开发基数在日本地区的未来。还包括Shinji Mikami(生化危机)、Yukio Futatsugi(铁甲飞龙) 、Yasumi Matsuno(最终幻想)在业内的地位和作用等等......

作者: 责任编辑    时间: 2007-5-11 17:19

作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2007-5-11 18:13

作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2007-5-11 18:24




Gamasutra: What do you think it will take Microsoft to succeed in Japan, not necessarily financially, but in terms of really winning over the audience?

RN: Online. I don't know what's going to happen to PS3, so it’s (up in the air). Right now, in Japan, the Nintendo DS and the Wii are very successful, so many developers and publishers in Japan are focusing on the DS and the Wii, and very little on the PS3 and the Xbox 360. So eventually, most of the Japan-made games will be on either handhelds or the Wii.

They were ready to invest in the PS3, but the PS3 wasn't as successful as people thought, and it's expensive to develop PS3 games, so a lot of publishers now only do a couple of PS3 games, and many DS and Wii games. Then a little Xbox 360, because the 360 is successful in the United States. But its presence in Japan is small.

That was one of the reasons AQI started: to be uniquely positioned as a new publisher and developer. We invested heavily on 360, when no one else was doing that in Japan. We’re a 360-heavy company now. Back then, AQI thought the system would be more successful in Japan, but of course it wasn't actually successful. But, it turned out to be quite successful in North America, so our positioning is still OK. We make games for 360 not so much for the Japan market, but for the global market. Not many people do that.

Capcom does that, and does it successfully with titles like Dead Rising and Lost Planet. But very few companies invest in the 360 and very few do PS3 games. So what I’m saying is that you'll see a lot of Japan-made DS and Wii games in the next few years, but very few high-end games from Japan. For those high-end users, they’ll have to buy more Western games, even in Japan. I think they will start to get used to Western games more, if they want to play high-end games.

Capcom's zombie action game for the Xbox 360, Dead Rising

I think most of the Japanese gamers will go to casual games on the DS and such, but there will be a high-end gamer market. For those gamers, because of a lack of Japan-made games, they're going to start playing U.S. games. Then, I think the Xbox 360 will have a better chance.

Also, gamers will start using the Internet functions. Xbox Live is so sophisticated – on that point I think even Sony is behind, even after their most recent announcements, like Home. I think their infrastructure is still behind. If Microsoft has a chance to succeed in Japan, I think the Xbox Live services and new entertainment fully using Xbox Live are important.
作者: wpxgod    时间: 2007-5-11 18:30

作者: killmesoftly    时间: 2007-5-11 18:38

I think most of the Japanese gamers will go to casual games on the DS and such, but there will be a high-end gamer market. For those gamers, because of a lack of Japan-made games, they're going to start playing U.S. games. Then, I think the Xbox 360 will have a better chance.


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