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标题: (转贴)北美SEGA老总发话: PS3版 VF5 会稍有缩水 [打印本页]

作者: jj874    时间: 2006-7-1 15:19     标题: (转贴)北美SEGA老总发话: PS3版 VF5 会稍有缩水


Segas Scott Steinberg Talks Next-Gen

We had the chance to sit down at E3 with Sega of Americas VP of
Marketing, Scott Steinberg (right), to discuss Segas approach to
next-gen consoles, their thoughts on the Wii and the expensive pricing
on PS3, as well as the publishers new emphasis on Western development.

BIZ: Full Auto was a 360 game, and now the sequel is a PS3 exclusive.
Why is that if youre supporting all three? Is it just perhaps an
exclusivity window?

SS: We havent announced a 360 SKU, so were exclusive on the PS3 right
BIZ: So, basically its coming but Sega isnt ready to announce it...

SS: [laughs]

BIZ: Its one thing for the hardcore gamer to put down $600, but do you
honestly feel that the average, more mainstream PS2 user will do so?
Are you concerned that this price may slow the adoption rate?

SS: In some ways, of course, naturally. Weve never seen a piece of
video game equipment cost this much ever [Actually, the 3DO retailed
for $699 and we all know how well that went - Ed.]. Its definitely new
territory, but again I look at on the arcade side, were bringing
Virtua Fighter 5 from the arcades to the PS3 in a relatively few number
of months, and there is going to be very little if any noticeable
degradation to the graphics. 这句话让我想起当年PS2移植的VF4,SEGA也是这么说的So, effectively youve got thousands ofdollars worth of arcade tech in a machine thats 500 bucks, 600 bucks.
So theres a lot of value in that machine


BIZ:你们为PS3准备的首发游戏FULL AUTO 2是XB360上的续集,为什么不在XB360上发,而是PS3独占?






副:SEGA的街机VF5基版用的是P4 3.0G,6800ULTRA ,256M显存,256BIT带宽。PS3用的RSX到底是7800还是7300GS,到现在还是迷。不过有一点可以确定,RSX只有128BIT带宽。

作者: 大头木    时间: 2006-7-1 15:32     标题: (转贴)北美SEGA老总发话: PS3版 VF5 会稍有缩水


作者: freebusy    时间: 2006-7-1 22:03     标题: (转贴)北美SEGA老总发话: PS3版 VF5 会稍有缩水

作者: 浅草暄1    时间: 2006-7-1 22:07     标题: (转贴)北美SEGA老总发话: PS3版 VF5 会稍有缩水

楼上的可以联想SEGA故意这么做的= =

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