原帖由 @allensakura 于 2019-11-6 14:14 发表 Posted by HUAWEI NXTAL10 当我没看过gts线上比赛?撞成一团全场比谁扣的时间少的比赛没见过?还是云玩家?比素质来跟iracing比阿,人家恶意碰撞直接禁赛,gts罚秒算个毛
原帖由 xys 于 2019-11-6 15:37 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 前朝的剑也能被你翻出来乱斩一通……一个失去时效的冠名活动拿这来叫阵签约三年的独家合作,挺逗。就问你现在上michelin.com上还能找到废渣的毛吗?
原帖由 northcong 于 2019-11-6 16:47 发表 posted by wap, platform: Samsung 不站场随便说一句 sr越高,匹配到的优质车手越多 你说的那种比谁扣的时间少的比赛,我真的没见过
原帖由 allensakura 于 2019-11-6 20:36 发表 233,跟GT签约的都叫独家合作,不亏是GT粉,跟上PC就三流一个脑袋 恩,2019的前朝剑 1099434 赞助GT是8月的消息吧,这个米奇林赞助IRACING比赛是10月18的事,独家在哪里? 1099435
Through racing series such as FIA World Endurance Championship, FIA World Rally Championship, FIA Formula E and International Motor Sports Association series in the U.S., Michelin uses motorsports as a laboratory to collect vast amounts of real-world data that power its industry-leading models and simulators for tire development. Tire technologies proven on the track eventually transfer to road-going performance vehicles like many of those on screen in Gran Turismo. Michelin will share this knowledge openly with Sony in the first co-development exchange of its kind, aiming to provide Gran Turismo players with a new dimension of strategy and competition linked to tire selection and performance, drawing ever closer to the pit-level decisions that race teams evaluate on every track.
In the first-ever partnership of this kind, Michelin will share its tyre development know-how with Polyphony Digital, the game developers, aiming to provide the players with a new dimension of strategy and competition linked to tyre selection and performance, introducing the element of pit-level decisions and bringing the whole experience even closer to real-life.
原帖由 @allensakura 于 2019-11-6 20:38 发表 那我也随便说一句,你没见过的多了,举个栗子FORZA的线上惩罚系统已经上线好一段时间了,估计你也没见过
原帖由 @allensakura 于 2019-11-5 13:10 发表 F1车模拟引擎用的不是rfactor,那只是画面界面,当然对于纠正GT车手错误操作RFACTOR也够用了 破鞋和GM都是用CARSIM做车辆开发
原帖由 刀刀见红 于 2019-11-7 09:10 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 这个是高翔说的,他去迈凯伦训练过一段时间,应该不会错吧
原帖由 夏青 于 2019-11-7 09:48 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 还有人战gt赛车呐,我的妈呀 正经赛车一根独苗了 微卵一心地平线 就剩gt一家了
原帖由 @allensakura 于 2019-11-7 15:42 发表 GT是正经拟真赛车?全原厂设置,二代NSX可以在纽北跑进7分20秒.veyron 16.4可以跑进7分内还正经,这是塞钱了还是装火箭了? 除了真的拿来比赛的GR3,其他一堆无力吐槽的魔法圈速 好吧,比起前几代进步还是很明显的,与现实速度有拉近,前几代那是什么鬼?驾照金牌的圈速根本超越魔法等级 你喜欢玩GT去玩没关系,别跟我说这玩意是拟真赛车