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[新闻] PS4新战神奖杯列表流出(剧透慎入)

Hello, Old Friend - Retrieve the Blades of Dragon 再会老友——取回龙之刃 (貌似就是混沌之刃,不知道为什么叫龙之刃)
Why Fight It? - Fully upgrade the Blade of Chaos  不要抵触——混沌之刃满级
Chooser of the Slain - Defeat the Nine Valkyrie 天选的屠戮者——击败9个瓦尔基里(隐藏BOSS?之前一个不能确认真假的流言声称击败瓦尔基里可以拿到隐藏武器,但说的是8个)

Father and Son - Obtain all other trophies
The Journey Begins - Defend your home from The Stranger
A New Friend - Survive the Witch's Woods
Feels Like Home - Allow the Light Elves to return home
Dragon Slayer - Defeat the Dragon of the Montain
Troubling Consequences - Defeat Magni and Modi
Hello, Old Friend - Retrieve the Blades of Dragon
Promise Fulfille - Heal Atreus
Round 2 - Rescue Atreus
Past Haunts - Ride the ship out of Helheim
Twilight Beckons - Defeat Baldur
Last Wish - Spread the ashes
Beneath the Surface - Explore all the Lake of Nine has to offer
Death Happened Here - Fully explore Veithurgard
Trilingual - Learn the Languages of Muspelheim and Nilfheim Dwarven
Ingenuity - Upgrade a piece of Armor
Nice Moves - Obtain a Runic Attack Gem
Ieunn's Orchard - Fully upgrade your Health
Quick tempered - Fully upgrade your rage
Best Dresses - Craft an outfit for Atreus
Enchanted - Slot an Enchantment into your Armor
All Will Fall - Kill 1000 enemies
Dangerous Skies - Free all of the Dragons
Like oil and water - Complete all of Brok and Sindri's Favors
Curator - Collect all of the Artifacts
Allfather Blinded - Kill all of Odin's Ravens
The Best Moves - Fully upgrade a Runic Attack
Worthy - Fully upgrade the Leviathan Axe
Why Fight It? - Fully upgrade the Blade of Chaos
Path of the Zealot - Obtain Traveler Armor Set
Primordial - Obtain Ancient armor Set
Unfinished Businnes - Assist all of the wayward spirits
Treasuer Hunter - Use treasure maps to find all of the dig spots
The Truth - Read all of the J?tnar shrines
Fire and Brimstone - Complete all of the Trials Muspelheim
Darkness and Fog - Retrieve all treasure from Workshop's center chamber
Chooser of the Slain - Defeat the Nine Valkyrie

[ 本帖最后由 king8910213 于 2018-4-11 22:57 编辑 ]




posted by wap, platform: iPhone


fully upgrade the blade of chaos!稳了


posted by wap, platform: 小米3

