原帖由 我不懂 于 2015-11-16 11:49 AM 发表 
Hey, guys!! Did you miss us ? We surely did .
Long story short, this is what has happened to us :
* Due to circumstances that were out of our hands, we were forced to abandon our previous hosting . Unfortunately, our new platform has a rather out-dated backup (January 2015).
We are aware that this is a frustrating situation, which we too feel terrible about it, but we only had two options to procede : We could have either given up for good,
or we could have come back on a new platform with our January 2015 backups.
Surrender is not an option for us so we obviously chose the latter: NO RETREAT , NO SURRENDER.
Here is what we need you to do :
* We will be providing invites for everyone. Everyone who signed up after January 2015, can join the following IRC channel :
https://freshon.tv/irc.php --> #tvt.invites
* If there are people among you who have a screenshot of your old TvT stats , we will happily help you and we will add back ONLY the upload.
* Those of you who still have old TvT torrents, reseed or re-upload them.
Please guys, when uploading back things on site, make sure you use the same torrent so that the swarms rebuilds itself. If you use rtorrent, and don't keep the original, your session folder should have one
on μtorrent: C:\Users\YOUR-USER-NAME\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent
=> the idea is to keep at least the hash intact
Once again, we sincerely apologize for this situation. Rest assured with time, we will come back stronger then ever!
Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely ,
the TvT team