產品等級 《暗黑破壞神®III》新手入門版
帳號狀態 暫時鎖定
地區 亞洲
《暗黑破壞神III》拍賣場 鎖定
1. 注册usbn帐号
2. 填写美国账单地址
3. 用国内visa购买(未保存付款方式信息),账单地址都是填写的中文真实地址.
4. 大概6~10个小时之后.直接从游戏中被踢出来.实际大概玩了1个多小时.
5. 收到邮件 Blizzard Store -- Purchase Failed
This notice is being sent to inform you that we were unable to successfully complete your recent purchase on the Blizzard Store. The charge for that item on your order was not finalized.
Since we could not fully authorize this item’s purchase, it has now been deactivated. If it was applied to a play account, it will no longer appear, and the account will be left in the state it was in previously.
For any questions about Blizzard orders or your Blizzard Account, please find the contact information for our Blizzard Billing and Account Services department at
We thank you for your patronage and your patience in this matter.
1. 是需要重新购买一次么?
2. 之前扣掉的59.9会退回么?
3. 需要操作些什么申请否?
4. 大概多少天能退回?
1. 重新添加并保存了一个付款方式. 国内双币VISA卡,真实中文账单地址.