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[新闻] 强悍的图形表现,独特的玩法!WII U版《蝙蝠侠:阿甘之城》IGN 特别专题

《蝙蝠侠:阿甘之城》在不久前的E3上确定登陆WII U平台,IGN对于WII U版本的分析以及专题爆料


The announcement was met with deafening cheers. At Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference, Warner Bros Interactive revealed that its highly anticipated sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum would be coming to Wii U. Then reality set in -- Batman: Arkham Cityon Nintendo's new console would be releasing in 2012, well after its Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 counterparts. In order to stand out, it would need to utilize Wii U's touch-based controller in bold and innovative ways, making Nintendo's Arkham City the definitive version of the game.

As we slowly march toward the release of Wii U, I want to put a spotlight on a number of games -- announced, rumored and imagined -- and discuss how developers might take advantage of Nintendo's remarkable new controller. The "tablet" is full of possibilities, and could truly change the way gamers interact with their games.

Let's take a look at Batman, shall we?

Gotham's Guardian takes flight.

The Game

Easily one of the most anticipated games of 2011, Batman: Arkham City places you back in the role of the iconic Dark Knight as he attempts to deal with the impact of Joker's actions from Arkham Asylum. Mayor Quincy Sharp, the former warden of the destroyed asylum, declares a region of Gotham City to be under Martial Law, a "no man's land" to hold criminals in check and keep them contained. A number of classic Batman rogues will make their first appearance in this new installment, including Catwoman, Two-Face and Hugo Strange.

Arkham City, which is five times the size of Arkham Asylum, will serve as an escalation of what gamers enjoyed the first time around. The Dark Knight retains his gadgetry from Asylum, and has even made some powerful modifications to enhance his ability to fight crime. New playable characters will include Catwoman and Robin.

Wii U Example One: Knight Vision

The TSA ain't got nothing on Batman.

In Arkham Asylum, players grew accustomed to entering Detective Mode. This X-Ray-like ability allowed you to detect threats, spot clues and generally obtain information to give Batman a tactical edge. In fact the mode was so useful there were long stretches of gameplay where I wouldn't even turn Detective Mode off. Rocksteady has promised that it's adjusting and enhancing how the mode will be used in Arkham City, but no doubt it will still be a critical function.

Wii U can change how gamers interact with that mode. To be sure, there were times when Detective Mode wasn't necessary, even depriving you of useful information about the world around you. Plus you missed a lot of kick ass aesthetic details. With a screen on the controller, that choice and potential sacrifice is no longer a problem. Want to use Detective Mode and still watch the real world around you? The Wii U's tablet could keep both visual styles active, allowing you to check either one at will. A quick button press could flip the screens if you need to see something in bigger form. An optional use of the controller's gyroscope might activate a first person mode that would allow players to move the controller 360 degrees to see everything around the Dark Knight -- detective mode or not.

The use of the screen doesn't have to be limited to Detective Mode, either. Using binoculars, infrared, remote cameras or even aiming a grappling hook could all be dramatically different when playing the game with two screens.

Wii U Example Two: An Information Arsenal

It's like Navi from Zelda, but more high tech!

Any fan of the Dark Knight knows he's not alone in his fight to protect Gotham. In Arkham City, that will prove especially true, as Batman is aided by at least Catwoman and Robin. Taking a page from Metal Gear Solid, it'd be great if the Wii U's tablet could operate as a Codec-like device, paging you to answer calls from in-game allies as well as more omnipresent sources of information like Oracle. This could be useful for critical storyline information as players progress through the story, eliminating the need to interrupt the game with constant cutscenes. Remember how annoying it was to have to stop doing things in Metal Gear when people wanted to talk? That doesn't have to happen now, and you don't need talking heads clogging up your main display either.

Furthermore the Wii U controller could bring you more information, material that was previously tucked away in menus. Want to know more about Hugo Strange? Want to adjust the Dark Knight's arsenal, get some forensic analysis or even some in-game help? Done, done and done.

Wii U Example Three: To the Batmobile!

Now if only we could summon our own cars this way...

All indications are that you don't actively use the Batmobile in Arkham City. Apparently Rocksteady didn't want to add driving mechanics into a game fundamentally about grounded combat. Makes sense. Even so, we'd love to see the Batmobile be a part of the Dark Knight's arsenal, able to be summoned, in a sense, as a part of a fight or to aid in solving puzzles.

Need to summon the vehicle to your side for resources or to knock down a wall? Hit drive and wait for the Batmobile to arrive. Need to duck in to regroup when you're overwhelmed? Armor up your car. Dark alley? Hit the lights. The idea of a portable base of operations could be a pretty interesting mechanic -- one that is probably wishful thinking. Still, I was trying to think a little outside the box for one of these, so there you go.

Need a ride, Bats?

As I mentioned earlier, Arkham City is five times the size of its predecessor. Players are going to need a way to quickly transport to different regions in the game. Wii U could make that concept more seamless, even allowing custom routes to be traced on the tablet's touchscreen with the stylus. Gone are the days of selecting from five or six pre-determined locations. Now the Batmobile can take you exactly where you want.

What would you like to see from the Wii U version of Batman: Arkham City? Extra content like alternate costumes, missions or playable characters is a given, but what about making the game functionally different? How would you want the controller used? I've outlined a few ideas, but tell me yours in the comments below.

[ 本帖最后由 影法师 于 2011-7-10 11:16 编辑 ]








