原帖由 阿西达卡 于 2011-2-21 22:49 发表 - Game starts off with your Mii having a dream 你的mii在作梦 - Wake up in a cage 在笼子里醒来 - Trapped in a tower 被困在塔里 - Need to use Miis you have collected through StreetPass in a turn-based system 在回合制战斗中使用擦肩得来的mii - Enemies become more powerful as you play 敌人会变强 - Can buy a cat in armor to represent you if you haven’t collected any Miis 没擦肩可以买盔甲猫 - The cat costs two coins 两个金币一只 - Sword and Magic options (unclear if this is just for the cat or Miis as well) 剑与魔法的选择 - 16-32 stages/levels/battles - 3 Miis can fight at once - Ghost enemies appear in at least two levels - Takes around 2-3 battles with each enemy to match their power - Each attempt to rescue your captured Mii from the tower concludes with a re-cap of the enemies you have defeated - Also shows remaining health of the foes you have started to battle, but haven’t beaten - Game is built into the 3DS