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Asian beauty!, 3 September 2005
Author: lysthuset from Norway
In my country you can "rent" DVD and VHS movies for free at the local libraries. One day I visited my local library and picked out a few random dvds and went home to have a movie marathon-weekend. One of these dvds was "The Road Home". By looking at the cover, I didn't think this was a movie for me, but anyhow I started watching it late at night. After the first few minutes had passed I thought it looked like a pretty boring movie. The first scenes are shot in black and white from a snow covered little village somewhere in the Chinese wilderness... I quickly decided to turn it off and hit the bed. The next day I had little to do. The weather outside was crap so I decided to stay in. I got bored and had nothing to do so I reluctantly started watching "The Road Home" from where I left off... This is probably one of the best things I've done so far in my life ;-) Since that day I've bought the DVD and seen the movies about 4-5 times and it's simply one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen (and I've seen a few!)... To give you an idea: I persuaded two of my best friends to join me watching the movie. They didn't have high expectations as this is as far from the Hollywood action they normally favourise when going to rent a movie. They are men in their 30's and one of them is a pretty "macho" guy. When the end-titles started scrolling, both of them had to wipe their eyes :-))) They where actually crying! I guess this is more of a story than a movie review, but I hope it's enough to give this movie the attention it deserves ;-)